On Saturday, August 22, 2020, Micah of Troop 1237, passed his Eagle Scout Rank Board of Review and achieved his goal of becoming a 13 year old Eagle Scout. Micah not only earned the honor by completing the project, providing countless hours of community service, and displaying leadership, but he also earned twice as many merit badges than required and several scouting awards as well. This has been his goal since he became a Cub Scout in second grade. He quickly took to scouting, determined to earn every pin and award available to him. There was a point when he recruited so many new scouts, that a special patch was created just for him!
Micah’s Eagle Project wasn’t a huge flashy one, by the standards of many, instead it was one near and dear to his heart. He spent over 90 hours planning, preparing and gathering items so that he and his team could build a Blue Bird House Trail on a fence line at Cheltenham Youth Camp in Clinton, Maryland. Together, the team worked tirelessly for well over 200 hours to bring the project to life. Due to the challenges presented by COVID-19, they completed the project a few months later than desired, however; they did manage to house two Bluebird families prior to the end of mating season. Micah considers this a great success and so does his troop and project beneficiary.
Micah was able to navigate the current pandemic, maintain his positions as the Troop 1237 Senior Patrol Leader and Librarian, maintain his position as the Mad Scientists 4-H Club President, become a Youth Leader at Victory Christian Ministries International (where he teaches 4-6 year olds twice per month and provides customer service support once per month) maintain his 3.0 GPA, continue to compete as a member of his soccer team and most importantly maintain his relationships with friends and family members.
Micah enjoys gardening, video gaming, family time and learning about the stock market and business ownership. Micah plans to attend college and study Law, Business, Architecture and/or Engineering and as he dives deeper into scouting merit badges, he is quickly narrowing down his true career goal and passion.
Our troop will be honoring Micah’s achievement on Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 4pm at the at the American Legion, Southern MD District Youth Camp (9201 Surratts Road Cheltenham, MD 20623). The ceremony will also be available virtually at: https://youtu.be/tSSXmWeawIU
Submitted by: Keyla M. Smith, T1237 Committee Chair