The last week of June at the Isaack Walton League was filled with Scouts engaged in outdoor activity. Mattaponi Scouts experienced many things in their day camp including shooting BB guns, fishing, a visit from the FBI, things found in nature, and archery. This year Scouts were joined by the very first family Scouting Unit (Pack 8100). “It is extraordinary! I wish they did this years ago so my daughter could have joined,” one parent exclaimed looking at the ponytails of the newest Scouters shooting bb guns. “I loved doing stuff like this as a kid, so it’s really great to have both my daughter and son growing up together…it’s really about keeping my family together,” said another.
The weather the entire week was enjoyable and the camp director was perfectly on cue reminding everyone to “keep drinking your water; if you’re not using the restroom that means you are not getting enough water” to which the chorus of 90 children would laugh very hardy laughs! The last day of camp saw all 90 youth singing in unison, playing their instruments, accepting awards, and telling one another that they never want to leave! It truly is an amazing experience. See you all next year!