Troop 199B & 199G formed a crew that participated in a Philmont 7-day backpacking trek at the Philmont Scout Ranch. We had 5 adults (Glenna B, Lisa L, Skip S & Chris T), Trip Wiggins being the Lead Advisor, and the following 6 Scouts: Cameron B, Natalie G, Dots L, Alex S, Kaitlyn T and John W. John was the Crew Leader, Kaitlyn the Chaplain’s Aide and Dots the Wilderness Pledge Guia.
The crew headed to Philmont on ‘planes, trains, and automobiles’ arriving on July 13. We completed Check-In and immediately started with training and logistical support for our trek (tents, fly, bear bags, cooking pots, food, water purification tablets, etc.) guided by our Philmont Ranger, Yahir Olvera who accompanied us on our first two nights on the trail.
We hit the trail on July 14th and the training continued with map & compass/navigation, crew dynamics/positions, weather, backcountry cooking and cleanup, and bear bag use. Our daily camps, in order, were Heck Meadow (dry camp), Clark’s Ford (staff camp), Schaefer’s Pass (dry camp), Miner’s Park (staff camp), and Abreu (staff camp). We ended the trek at Rayado trailhead with a bus ride back to base camp. At Clark’s Fork and Abreu the crew enjoyed a staff Chuckwagon & Mexican dinner, respectively.
Notable aspects of the trek: Climbing the iconic Tooth of Time peak (9,000 feet MSL) and doing three hours of trail building work to assist future trekkers. More fun activities included horseback riding, climbing wall, getting hats branded with the Philmont brands, visiting a New Mexico homestead, the Kit Carson Museum, tomahawk throwing and at the end, visiting the National BSA Museum. Oh, and members of the crew spotted one black bear and 2 rattlesnakes to make the trek even more memorable!
The printed guidebook noted that our trek would cover some 37 miles – but, with side trips, actual miles logged was closer to 70! (Just ask our feet [NO blisters] and shoulders as we acclimated to the mountain desert climate.) The Base Camp elevation was 6,500 ft and we topped out at nearly 9,500 ft, with a 3,400 ft elevation gain on our 3rd day on the trail.
We noted lightning and thunder in the distance throughout the week, but our trek was rain free and the humidity in the 20-40% range – enviable to any Virginian.
At the end, we were all hot, dirty and tired – but a quick poll indicated that the Crew wanted to COME BACK TO Philmont! Yes, we all had FUN!
For any questions about Philmont – please contact Trip at He’s been there twice as Lead Advisor and has a dozen 50-Mile backpacking trips under his belt.