With the lighting of the Olympic flame, Troop 58’s 2019 Patrol Challenge campout was opened at the Northern Virginia Lions Youth Camp in Boyce, VA! Twenty-nine Scouts in four patrols participated in several Scout skills-based challenges throughout the weekend of Oct 25-27.
In past years, our Patrol Challenge outing has had a Scottish Highland Games or other exotic theme; the challenges this year were based on the Olympic Games including long jump, relay race, shot put, volleyball and soccer. Additional challenges included best dinner/dessert, best campfire skit/song, highest patrol attendance and patrol wearing the most togas! All challenges were scored by the PLC and this year’s winning patrol – the Eagles – had its name inscribed on the back of Troop 58’s totem (affectionately known as “Jim”).
The Eagles Patrol have also earned bragging rights for a full year until the 2020 Patrol Challenge campout! Additional excitement over the weekend included a bear sighting in the early evening Saturday as the Scouts were preparing dinner. This gave the Scouts an opportunity to review bear safety including locking up all food, trash and anything else scented and to be sure to follow the buddy system very closely. The Patrol Challenge Campout is always well attended and is one of the troop’s favorite outings.