Classic Paper Airplanes: https://cubscoutideas.com/5723/make-paper-airplane/
Round Paper Airplane: https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/edu/teach/activity/ring-wing-glider/
Our Wolf Scouts can complete Air of the Wolf and Motor Away requirements with this activity. Any Scout Wolf to Arrow of Light may be able to use this as an experiment for a NOVA Award if you talk to a NOVA counselor.
Make it even more fun – Talk with a friend and see if they want to build a paper airplane too!!

Have each member of your family pick an ingredient (or two) and bag it up for travel treats! You can find some ideas from this Boys Life article: https://boyslife.org/features/143982/35-tasty-trail-mix-ingredients/

Webelos and Arrow of Light – Make sure to get signed off for your Earth Rocks requirements!
Make sure your parent logs your hike on your Cub Family Summer Passport: https://public.3.basecamp.com/p/AqAQD4gKhjdXw4m2AkDEbCWn
A Kindness Rock can brighten someone’s day, even if you’ve never met. Use the rocks you saved from yesterday (or go find a couple of smooth ones) and paint a Kindness Rock or two.
Leave it somewhere that someone else will find it!
Kindness Rock How-To: https://www.thekindnessrocksproject.com/howto

Yoga can relieve stress and improve flexibility – Learn and practice a yoga pose with your family. If you use a video yoga class, you can count that as activity time on your ScoutStrong tracker.
(If you’ve been keeping up with ScoutStrong – You are almost done with the award by now!!)
YouTube has a number of free yoga videos – Find one that you like to start practicing!

Completing an Adventure at Home is another requirement for the NCAC Scouting@Home 2020 Award! https://www.scoutingevent.com/082-scoutingathomeaward and the Cub Family Summer Passport: https://public.3.basecamp.com/p/AqAQD4gKhjdXw4m2AkDEbCWn
Also – The Protect Yourself Adventure can be used for CyberChip credit.