These are historic times for our Movement. The coronavirus pandemic is having a direct impact in many Scouts’ ability to continue on their trail to Eagle – especially having completed all their requirements prior to the boards of review that are to be held from 10/1-31/2020. Because we want all girls who joined in 2019 and wish to be a part of the Inaugural Class of female Eagle Scouts to have the benefit of such an experience, and after carefully considering recommendations from stakeholders, including feedback from volunteers and professionals, we will be extending the period for boards of review from 10/1/2020-1/31/2021. To further support the Inaugural Class, all boards of review will be dated with the same date by the National Service Center. While this notice discusses the Inaugural Class of female Eagle Scouts, the lengthening of the Eagle board of review window is applicable to all Scouts who were granted the Inaugural extension, regardless of gender. As a reminder, all requirements must be completed while the individual is a registered member of Scouts BSA, or as a member of a Venturing crew or a Sea Scouts ship after achieving First Class in Scouts BSA, per the Guide to Advancement. |