It is with great sadness that the NCAC family acknowledges the loss of John Leonard Wolfgang, Jr. John was Chairman of the NCAC Shooting Sports Committee and led a significant quality improvement effort in BSA Shooting Sports training and safety at both the Council and National level. He was also a leader in many other committees and teams within our Council, in our Region, and for the BSA nationally.
A longtime member of BSA National Training Committee, Exploring Committee, Learning for Life Committee, Venturing Program Committee, and Safety Committee, John authored of a number of high-quality training materials, primarily in Exploring and Venturing, and was one of the Founders of the Powder Horn course. Within his 71 plus years of involvement and service in Scouting, John earned the rank of Eagle, as well as the Exploring Silver Award, Silver Antelope, Silver Beaver, a Fox in Wood Badge and as Course Director, Vigil honor in the OA, Venturing Leadership Award, Spurgeon Award, and the District Award of Merit. He directed multiple courses at Philmont, served 15 years as a Scoutmaster, and served 33 years as an Explorer Post and Venturing Crew Advisor to Post & Crew 1275. John remarkably staffed 9 National Jamborees, including as National Exhibits and Displays Chairman, and also staffed 2 World Jamborees.
We are fortunate that his entire Scouting experience happened here in the National Capital Area Council. Leaders of his caliber are rare, and we are not only proud to have had him as a part of our programs, but cherish all that he shared with us. He has gone home.
In celebration of John’s life and accomplishments, we invite you to a memorial service in his honor at Camp William B. Snyder. The service will take place on Sunday, May 19th from 5 pm until 8 pm. Light refreshments will follow. To help us plan, please register to attend at https://scoutingevent.com/082-wolfgang. For more information, please contact Phillip.Barbash@Scouting.org.