Wow! This years’ Klondike Derby was a fantastic, record-setting success!
The Klondike Derby is a fun patrol-level competition emphasizing Scout Skills, Leadership, and Scout Spirit. We draw scouts and units from the entire region for a weekend of fun, challenge, and cold-weather camping.
This year we broke records again with more than 700 participants, including:
• more than 500 scouts
• in 78 patrols
• from 46 units
• representing 10 districts
• from all five NCAC service areas, and
• two councils.
• Twenty-two units that had never attended our Klondike before joined us. That’s
• One impressive District-level event!
The Klondike staff and volunteers developed 36 challenging stations set out across all of the Harpers Ferry KOA. Twelve stations were brand new, another four stations weren’t offered last year, and al-most every station had a new twist on it so returning scouts didn’t have a leg-up on first timers.
Special thanks to these units for sponsoring/adopting their own stations, adding fun and variety for the scouts and carrying some of the water for the Klondike Key 3:
• Western Shore Troop 430, Minecraft
• ODD Troop 856, Sight-N-Go
• Patriot Troop 1346, Yeti Snacks
• Occoquan Troop 1363, Raging River
• Occoquan Troop 1390, Jeopardy
• ODD Troop 1518, Trivial Pursuit
• Western Shore Troop 1785, Svenska Fickilampa
• ODD Troop 1853, Avalanche, Chilkoot Pass, Do You Want to Build a Snowflake?, Headbanger’s Ball, Klondike Kate’s Kitchen (with help from lots of other units), Natural Gas Power, Radioac-tive Tailings, Simple Machines, Swimming Upstream, Palace Grand Follies
• ODD Troop 4673, Compass Pie
The Stations were staffed by close to 200 of our in- and out-of-district scouters who came with their units. Adults don’t accompany patrols, so the scouts had a real test of their skills and teamwork. But, the adults still had fun!
To compete in the Klondike, a patrol must manage their time wisely. They have seven program hours and a choice of stations of varying difficulty and pointes. The planning and leadership challenge is to earn as many points as possible, quickly, and move through as many stations as possible.
Patrols were tested on their leadership and teamwork most of all, but also had to demonstrate Scout skills, Merit Badge proficiencies, backcountry abilities, and being physically strong and mentally awake. The patrols that won also demonstrated the best Scout Spirit at each and every station.
Everyone wins at the Klondike – the event gets patrols out in an environment where they get to have fun and compete without having to worry about cooking meals or doing KP. Plus, Klondike bars …
To compete in the Klondike, a patrol must manage their time wisely. They have seven program hours and a choice of stations of varying difficulty and pointes. The planning and leadership challenge is to earn as many points as possible, quickly, and move through as many stations as possible.
Patrols were tested on their leadership and teamwork most of all, but also had to demonstrate Scout skills, Merit Badge proficiencies, backcountry abilities, and being physically strong and mentally awake. The patrols that won also demonstrated the best Scout Spirit at each and every station.
Everyone wins at the Klondike – the event gets patrols out in an environment where they get to have fun and compete without having to worry about cooking meals or doing KP. Plus, Klondike bars.
The 2019 Old Dominion District Klondike Derby welcomed troops, crews, and volunteers from the following districts: Aquia, Baltimore Area Council’s Capitol District, Colonial, Occoquan, Patriot, Patuxent, Piedmont, Po-tomac, Powhatan, Seneca, Washington DC, and Western Shore. Don’t see your district listed? Join us next year: Friday, January 31 to Sunday, February 2, 2020. Once again, we will offer discounts for units that leave Saturday night for religious observances!