At our 2020 Virtual College of Commissioner Service (CCS) held via Zoom from August 28-30, 2020, NCAC’s CCS Dean Julia Mae-Shen Lesko and Council Commissioner Rick Rogers recognized some of our council’s outstanding commissioners.
John A. Mack Commissioner’s Award of Excellence – Ben Overbey
The Mack award recognizes a Scouter who has a distinguished record of consistent excellence and true servant leadership in a way that has profoundly improved our council’s service to units and youth…
This year’s Mack award recognizes a Scouter who has dedicated most of his adult life to Scouting and who has spent a decade being a master teacher for commissioners as an Assistant Council Commissioner. This person, while serving as an Assistant Council Commissioner for Roundtables improved roundtable quality in Maryland and across the council. He moved seamlessly from this role into serving as a model Service Area Assistant Council Commissioner for Montgomery County, where he has been a mentor and friend to at least a dozen council commissioners over the years. Because our council is so large, the Service Area ACC is a key role, and the requirements, activities, and scope of this ACC role are equivalent to what Council Commissioners would do in medium sized councils. In addition, this person distilled his knowledge of the rhythms of commissioner service into an annual calendar which we all use to plan ahead, and he has served as a master teacher for multiple district commissioner orientations and commissioner retreats. Finally, this person has served in our armed forces with distinction, having received the Legion of Merit and Bronze Star as an infantry officer. Without knowing he had been selected for this award back in March, this person further demonstrated his worthiness for the honor over the spring and summer by collecting and disseminating Scouting@Home best practices for our units as the current pandemic has changed the way we do Scouting. It is our honor to present the Council Commissioner’s Mack Award to Ben Overbey. Thanks to Sue Overbey for conspiring with us to present the award to Ben in person.
Robert L. Dise Gold Dean’s Award – Patrick Berney
The gold award recognizes a Scouter who has served as a commissioner for more than 5 years in a leadership role dedicated to education and training of commissioners at the unit, district, and council level. . . .
This year’s gold award recognizes a Scouter who has served continuously as a unit commissioner for over 30 years, while also serving 3 years as the immediate past District Commissioner. According to the district, this Scouter is known as the quintessential servant leader who strives to help units run a better Scouting program. This has included filling in the voids caused when another commissioner moves out of the area, and personally visiting unassigned units in addition to assigned units. The district greatly appreciates all the wealth of knowledge and advice this long-time commission shares in educating fellow commissioners, which includes mentoring of the new District Commissioner. It is our honor to present the Commissioner College Dean’s Gold Award to George Mason District’s Patrick Berney.
Robert L. Dise Silver Dean’s Award – Mark Stoffel
The silver award recognizes a Scouter who has served as a commissioner for more than 3 years and has spent a substantial portion of time educating and training commissioners . . .
This year’s silver award recognizes a Scouter who began commissioner service 12 years ago as a unit commissioner and has continued to serve in that role while also serving the past 3 years as the roundtable commissioner for Cub Scouts as well as the district commissioner. The district expresses great appreciation for this Scouter’s substantial contributions to education and training, not only for Commissioners, but also for the District’s unit recharter teams, which led to a notable reduction of unit frustration and the highest on-time submission of re-chartered units for the District. It is our honor to present the silver award to Chain Bridge District’s Mark Stoffel.
Robert L. Dise Bronze Dean’s Award – Josh Willberger
The bronze award recognizes a new commissioner. Someone who has been involved in Commissioner Service for less than 3 years . . . a shining star. . .
This year’s bronze award recognizes a Scouter who became a unit commissioner in 2017, and made such an immediate impact providing valuable leadership and guidance to multiple units, that the district now is excited to have this Scouter as their new District Commissioner. According to the district, this Scouter has brought great energy and enthusiasm to the commissioner staff, and already has increased their ability to serve units. It is our honor to present the bronze award to Mattaponi District’s Josh Wilberger.