Throughout the year, Prince George’s County Police Department operates a law enforcement Exploring program at six of their stations. Youth meet weekly for hands-on skills trainings on physical fitness, radios, traffic safety, and forensics; and they participate in regular community service activities.
The Explorer Posts support community events like National Night Out, Toys for Tots, Shop with a Cop, sporting events, and local fairs.
This month, we celebrate all the Explorers who are graduating – both from the program and their high schools!
Explorer Advisors Sgt Jeffries & Cpl Muse were on hand to support and congratulate Explorer A. Perry from Explorer Post 301 as he graduated from Fairmont Heights High School. Chief Aziz & all of the PGPD are proud of your achievement Explorer Perry!
Explorer Post 1111 celebrated their final post meeting for the 2022-2023 school year. Several Explorers were promoted in rank and a special dedication was given to Explorer Captain Villalobos. We are so proud of all the Explorers.
Last but not least, we are overjoyed to share that one former Explorer from PGPD Post 222 is going on to begin her police career with the Forest Heights Police Department.