Registration is now open for the 32nd Annual V3 (originally named for Venturing, Varsity, and Venture) Hike-o-ree to be held October 28-30, 2022, at the Northern Virginia 4-H Educational Center, Front Royal, VA. The Hike-o-ree is open to all Venturing Crews, Sea Scout Ships, and Scouts BSA Troops. The minimum age to participate is 13.
The Hike-o-ree is intended to be an introduction to and/or a shakedown for your unit’s backpacking adventures. Bring ONLY what you can carry in your backpack and come prepared to cook outdoors.
Your unit can choose one of 15 great hikes in or near Shenandoah NP. All hikes are approximately ten miles in length and range in difficulty from moderate (about 1500 ft elevation change) to super strenuous (about 2600 ft elevation change). Other Hike-o-ree activities include a Friday night opening rally and a Saturday night High Adventure Rally.
The cost of the Hike-o-ree is $30.00 per participant and covers the 4-H Center camping fee and our famous Hike-o-ree t-shirts. Go to for more information and to register.