Happy Father’s Day to David Cartner! Scouting has always been important to the Cartners and one of the main activities that we consistently did together for almost 30 years now.
When my father retired from the Army we settled back in his home state of Missouri from Belize where I was quickly able to get involved in normal 8 year old stuff like little league and Scouting. Dad was always a visible presence with me when I started in Cub Scouts from Den/Pack meetings and helping me with my pinewood derby cars. This led to me crossing over into Troop 41 in Sikeston, MO where I became an Eagle Scout in 1997 most due to his consistence pushing to finish merit badges, serve in leadership roles, and attending camping events. Receiving my Eagle Scout rank at a young age allowed me to really get involved with the Order of Arrow where my father followed right behind me. Dad was able to watch me be elected by my peers to Lodge Chief of Anpetu-We Lodge #100 where I received my Vigil Honor. The very next year my father was also called out to receive the Vigil. This was one of my most proudest moment with him as I was able to give back to him as his guide for all that he had done for during my time with the Lodge. In 2003 I was elected Section Chief with the Order of the Arrow which kickstarted my time on NOAC staffs. In typical David Cartner status he was able to join me a couple NOACs later and the two of us have served on 5 NOAC staffs together over the years.
All this support and dedication from my father absolutely lead me to a career with the Boy Scouts of America. This career has brought me through 4 councils across three states helping support programs that give any kid willing and wanting the same experiences that I have had.
Thank you David Cartner for all you have done for me over the last 36 years! Love you.