Happy Father’s Day to A.J. Posluszny! We have been Scouting together for over 20 years now and have had many great adventures! Here’s to many more!
I started Scouting 21 years ago as Tiger in Michigan. My mother quickly became involved as a Den Leader and shortly after as the Cubmaster. My dad was much more in the background because of his work at the time. It wasn’t until I was beginning my Webelos 2 year and we had moved to Pennsylvania that he became much more involved. As I crossed over into my first Troop, he was right there with me, on just about every campout with our Troop. He taught me many of the Scout skills that I still know and pass on to others now. He was with me on every step of my Scouting Trail, from Scout to Eagle in 2009.
He was there supporting me in my role with the Lodge as a Chairman of a committee, to serving as the Lowwapaneu Lodge Secretary, to serving as a Section Vice Chief. I received the Vigil honor in 2010, then had the honor of serving as his guide and in his Vigil Ceremony the following year in 2011.
We planned District Events together, we helped build a Native American Program for our Council in Pennsylvania, and we went to Philmont together.
For all of this, you received my Mentor Pin at my Eagle Court of Honor, as well as the Eagle Dad Pin.
We have continued Scouting’s Journey together, even now we support each other in two different Districts in NCAC.
Thank you, Dad, for all you have done for me. I look forward to continuing Scouting’s Journey together going forward as you can now help my son and your Grandson through this amazing program!