The 2023 National Jamboree Registration is OPEN!

Sign up today for the 2023 Jamboree scheduled for July 19-28, 2023.
Scouting as we know it has taken a bit of a turn over the last couple years. We are excited to announce that the National Jamboree will return to the Summit Bechtel Scout Reserve in 2023!
Registration is now open on the National website at The National Capital Area Council is sending 14 contingent units to Jamboree. You can sign up today; adults are also encouraged to register but must be approved by the Council.
The NCAC cost for Jamboree is $1725 per person and includes the Jamboree, transportation to and from Summit, a backpack, patches, and more! Camperships are available for youth participants. The campership application is available on NCAC’s website.
Youth must be at least 12 years of age to attend; adults are 21 years and older. Participants age 18-21 will attend as youth participants. Participants will be assigned to a contingent unit the end of 2022. There will be a mandatory overnight event scheduled at Camp Snyder in June 2023. Contingent units will also meet prior to departing for Jamboree; details will be distributed by selected Scoutmasters.
Check out this video below to see what Jamboree has in store for you.
More information, including payment schedule, campership application, and Adult Leader applications are available on the Council’s website at If you have any questions, please reach out to Alex Keenan at or Bob MacKichan at
We look forward to seeing you at Jamboree next year!