On June 2, 2024, at the National Capital Area Council Court of Honor, Aditya K. and Sheil S. earned the Certificate of Merit for working together to care for an injured Scout.
At about 8:50 on April 23, 2023, Senior Patrol Leader Aditya K. was called and went to see what happened when he saw his fellow Scout Sreedhar lying face up in the grass, covered in blood. He called for Sheil S, who was sitting near the campfire, to grab his first-aid kit.
Sreedhar appeared to be going into shock, so Aditya told Sreedhar to take deep and big breaths to calm him down while Sheil put on gloves and began methodically cleaning Sreedhar’s head, wiping the blood off Sreedhar’s face, noticing he had a bloody nose.
They learned that Sreedhar had run, face-first, into a tree while trying to catch a football. They checked for additional injuries, including possible dental injuries, and evaluated Sreedhar for a concussion. After treating Shreedhar’s head, Aditya and Sheil had him stand and identified a large bruise on his leg, which was treated with an ice pack.
The National Certificate of Merit may be awarded to a youth member or adult leader who has performed a significant act of service that is deserving of special national recognition. Congratulations to Aditya and Sheil for being recognized for their helpfulness and first-aid skills during this incident!