The Unit Performance Guide methodology is BSA’s approved strategy for starting and sustaining high quality units. Darlene Sprague, National Commissioner Service Resources Chair, describes the key principles:
- Volunteer-driven, professionally guided. The district executive, new-unit commissioner, and new-unit organizer all work together in the new-unit organization process. Professionals and volunteers partnering together help ensure the proper development of high-quality units.
- A new-unit commissioner is assigned at the very start of the new-unit organization process. Once the unit is organized, the commissioner serves the unit for three years to help it become a high-quality unit. There should be a 1:1 ratio—one new-unit commissioner for one new unit.
- Organize every new unit with at least 10 youth. Starting with two dens or patrols or a crew of 10 helps ensure the unit has a good foundation to grow.
- Recruit at least five adult unit volunteers. Properly selected quality volunteers are important to the successful operation and sustainability of the new unit. Preferably, one of the members should be a new member coordinator. This position can be instrumental in welcoming new families to the unit. Note: The chartered organization representative position should be a separate position and not a multiple position.
- Develop the unit Key 3 concept. The unit leader, committee chair, and chartered organization representative meet monthly. The assigned new-unit commissioner serves as the advisor to this group.
- Focus on organizing the whole Scouting family. The whole Scouting family normally includes a pack, a troop, and a crew chartered to the same organization. It can also include a Sea Scout ship.
As we implement Family Scouting and start new girl troops, following these principles will give new units the best chance to serve our families with the Scouting program they deserve in a sustainable manner.
To start sustainable new girl troops in February 2019, the Unit Performance Guide process should be going on now!