Callista “Callie” Kellogg is a 9 year old Webelos who loves animals. “I would like to be a veterinarian. My personal zoo includes a black hamster named Pepper, a Rat terrier dog named Nutmeg, and a Maine coon cat named Ginger. I am picking up three chickens next week!” When asked by her parents, Eirik and Talisha Kellogg what cause was near and dear to her heart that she would like to support with her popcorn sales, Callie’s response was no surprise. After some thought, Callie responded that she would like to support animal welfare. Buckeystown Veterinary Hospital in Frederick, MD boards and takes care of their pets and also partners with three animal rescues. Lab Rescue LRCP is one of them.
Callie coordinated with the Lab Rescue LRCP Medical Director, Silvia Banales, and the animal hospital to create an Amazon Wishlist to address their medical needs. It was ordered to be delivered over the holidays. It was a lot of work and conscious scheduling to sell popcorn while also participating in swimming, cheerleading, STEM scouts and Cub Scouts. She belongs to Pack 278, Pack 1775 and STEM lab 4548. Scouting is a family event. Her sisters, Beth and Brooke Kellogg of Troop 3017G, also helped out by driving Callie around town and walking door to door with her. Callie also donated $1000 to the James E. West Fellowship with a gift to the NCAC Endowment Fund using the money she earned from the popcorn sale that went into her scout account. “I want all cub scouts to be able to go to camp. I have gone to camp every year and have enjoyed it very much and would like to share the experience with others who may be less fortunate. I want to make sure scouting remains accessible to all.”
In addition to storefront sales at Lowes and Wawa, Callie’s den leader and dad, Eirik Kellogg, took her door to door to do sales even though we live in they live in a rural part of Frederick County. Callie’s mom, Talisha Kellogg, who volunteered as the unit popcorn co-kernal says “The community in Frederick, MD has been amazing at supporting scouting. Many scouts and their parents in our pack put in the time to sell enough popcorn to fund their entire scouting year. Callie sold almost $28k in popcorn.