Wood Badge is the Boy Scouts of America’s ultimate leadership training designed to meet the advanced leadership needs of Scouters in all aspects of the BSA, whether unit, district, or council level – from assistant den leaders to Scoutmasters, from Cubmasters to Venturing Advisors, from committee members to commissioners. It is a fun, energetic and inspiring course guaranteed to infuse your unit with fun and meaning – all designed to fulfill the mission of the BSA, and ensure our youth is getting everything they are promised from the program.
For information about specific courses, contact the Course Director listed on the registration page.
What are the central themes of Wood Badge?
The first weekend of the course parallels three weeks of a Scout units meetings and activities with the second weekend paralleling the experiences of a Scout unit setting out on the fourth week of a month for an exciting and challenging outdoor experience.
What are the some of the Wood Badge activities?
During the Wood Badge course the participants will learn through presentations, campfire, games, song, camping and working together as a patrol on presentations of their own. Each of these activities are tied to the themes of Wood Badge (see above) and model activities that you can take back to your units.
What is the ticket?
One of the great traditions of Wood Badge is the ticket. During the course each participant will be asked to develop a contract or ticket – a list of goals that will allow them to use their newly-learned leadership skills in ways to strengthen Scouting in their home units, districts and councils. The ticket will include the participant’s personal values, roles in Scouting, vision of success, and a mission of five significant goals that can be attained within 18 months. Overall the ticket will be meaningful and enable the participant to practice the skills learned in the course. Troop guides (ticket counselors) will assist participants in writing their tickets and approve them when complete. The troop guide and the participant will mutually agree when all the items of the ticket have been fulfilled.