Hey, Cub Scouts, it’s Make Something Monday
You’ve learned some handy skills with Make Something Monday; time to put some of them to good use. Make a pine cone or toilet paper roll bird feeder.
When you are done making it, find a place to hang it that you can watch the birds that visit.
You can find instructions and some ideas for Adventure requirements you can complete using your feeder here: https://cubscoutideas.com/209/cub-scout-den-meeting-bird-feeders

It’s summertime and the weather is hot – Cool off by making custom ice pops at home!
https://www.instructables.com/id/Easy-Ice-Cube-Tray-Popsicles/ is a good place to start, but you can use your favorite juices or add fruit chunks to make them your own.

Use a map (paper or digital) and locate where you live. Draw a route that would get you to a local grocery store, park, your school, or somewhere else you visit often.
Use the map to plan a walk around your neighborhood and then head out and see how well you can follow your route.
Wolf Scouts can use this activity to Finding your Way #1 or #4. Orienting a map and working with a compass is also a NOVA Science Everywhere activity.

The family that goes to places together has FUN! Take a hike or bike ride with your family today. Try to find a new and exciting place to explore – a nearby park, a new area of town, or nature preserve.
This activity fulfills a Cub Family Summertime Passport Activity (A completed Passport counts as Cub Summer Camp! for the Outdoor Activity Award) Get your passport here: https://www.ncacbsa.org/cubspa/

It’s Safety Saturday…but it’s also International Scouts Trash the Trash Day!
Scouts Trash the Trash Day is a cooperative community clean up – If everyone picks up just 1 pound of trash – The world would be so much cleaner.
Practice safe habits while you pick up trash in your neighborhood, on a trail, or around shared community spaces:
1) Know the weather
2) Dress for the place you are cleaning.
3) Wear sturdy gloves and consider rubber gloves over those.
4) Have a traffic lookout if you are near a road
5) Don’t try to pick up anything sharp or that you can’t identify.
Register your unit for Scouts Trash the Trash day here: https://www.scoutstrashthetrashday.org/ and you can access their Garbage Scavenger Hunt!!