In 2019, Crew 7 initiated the Scout Aviation Maintenance Experience, or SAME. The SAME project offers youth aircraft maintenance experience at Oscoda Wurtsmith Community Airport at Michigan.
With guidance from Program Advisor and retired USAF colonel, Dr. Pete Mapes, and other aviation experts, youth will gain hands-on experience with avionics, electronics, engine work and airplane maintenance.

During the summer of 2021, scouts who are selected into the program will rebuild a 1965 Cessna 150E using a Supplemental Type Certificate to permit a 150 HP engine in place of the stock 100 HP engine. Know any Scouts who might be interested? If you do, have them contact Dr. Pete Mapes ASAP! email: mapesni@aol.com
A scholarship opportunity is below.
Program details:
Program lasts 7 weeks, from 7 AM to 1 PM at Oscoda Wurtsmith Community Airport. Successful applicants will study maintenance topics and tasks under experienced aircraft maintainers while assembling aircraft.
Dates are: 21-25 June, 12-16 July, 19-23 July, 26-30 July, 2-6 August, 9-13 August, 16-20 August
Note the 2 week break between weeks 1 & 2.
Who may apply:
Young men and women, who are registered members of the Boy Scouts of America and who will have completed the 8th Grade OR turned 14 may apply for scholarship, which covers all program expenses.
Transportation to/From Michigan is the responsibility of the participants and some local hosting is available for Scouts selected for the program. Scouts do cover their own food expenses in Michigan but local transportation and housing is free.
Youth interested to gain aircraft maintenance experience during the summer of 2021, please apply!
Submit an application containing a 200-word statement of why the scholarship is desired, school transcript, BSA Membership number, a Young Eagles Flight Certificate (this requirement may be waived due to covid) and 3 letters of recommendation to:
206 East Park Street
Oscoda, MI 48750
Deadline is 23 March 2021. Applicants will be expected to interview for positions. Up to six scholarships will be awarded for the summer of 2021.
Some recent press on SAME:
Scouts, Venturers from Michigan restore old plane, helping them soar