Meet 2022 Silver Beaver Class Honoree Jon Baake

Mary Carpenter Abe (Aah-bay) has been involved in the scouting movement since 1993 when her kindergarten daughter, Lynn, came home from school with a flyer and said, “Mom, can we go find out about scouting?” A meeting at Lynn’s elementary school led to 13 years as a Girl Scout Troop leader plus 3 years as Service Unit Manager.
In 1999, when son, Tom, was in first grade, Mary joined Boy Scouts of America as a Tiger parent and then as a Den Leader, equipment transport specialist, and eventually Committee Chair. In 2006, Dorothy Lanning recruited Mary to replace her as Unit Commissioner for units at Marvin Memorial United Methodist Church. Mary has continued in Commissioner service ever since, eventually becoming an Assistant District Commissioner in White Oak District. In recent years, Mary has specialized in Recharter activities.
Before her involvement with scouting, Mary worked as a mechanical engineer for the Department of Energy and U.S. Army Research Laboratory. Her Bachelor of Science degree was awarded from Harvey Mudd College where she met her husband of 38 years, Dave Abe.
Mary serves as Director of Christian Formation, specializing in ministry to children, youth, and families, at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Beltsville, Maryland. She also has been active in PTA activities and leadership, filling such positions as volunteer coordinator, PTSA president, and cluster coordinator for Montgomery County Council of PTAs.
Mary’s life has been guided by doing her duty to God and country and helping other people at all times.
Congratulations to Mary and the 2022 Silver Beaver Class! Please join us on May 22, 2022 at Camp Snyder for this special Court of Honor. To purchase your ticket, visit https://scoutingevent.com/082-58006.
by Stanley Kwok
The monthly NCAC Potomac District Eagle Board of Review for 9 Scouts was held tonight.
Congratulations to all the new 🦅 Eagles Scouts and their proud parents, with special thanks to the Scouters, the EBOR Chairs and those who assisted theses 9 Scouts on their journey to the 🦅 Eagles rank!
Last but not least Potomac District cannot put this monthly inevent without the leadership and time devoted by Larry McNiece, Potomac District Eagle Chair!