Who doesn’t love a good discount? Families can save on their Scout Shop uniform purchases and look sharp while saving a little in the budget!
Test Your Orienteering Skills in Maryland
Troops & Venturing units are challenged to test (and learn!) map skills at the 46th Annual Maryland Scout Orienteering Day at Broad Creek Scout Res. 35 miles north of Balto. on Sat., Oct. 22. The event cost is $4.00 (patch, 3 color maps, more) plus $2/person/night if camping.
Last year’s saw 45 units with 20 from #myNCAC with typical great results (top 3 troops (111, 439, 647), older category top 3 (647’s Zack Sheehey-Alex Goodell won), & advanced winner Joey Hastings, 1321.)
Come for the day, or camp one or two nights. No Cubs, no Webelos. Self-guided map instruction starts off the day, designed for beginners to this forest navigation map sport. Register at https://scoutingevent.com/220-22orienteering by Oct. 16.
The 32nd Annual V3 HIKE-O-REE
The 32nd Annual V3 (originally named for Venturing, Varsity, and Venture) Hike-o-ree will be held October 28-30, 2022, at the Northern Virginia 4-H Educational Center, Front Royal, VA. Registration is limited to trail capacities of the fifteen trails. The Hike-o-ree is open to all Venturing Crews, Sea Scout Ships, and Scouts BSA Troops. Units must form trail crews consisting of no more than 12 members, including at least two adults. If a unit has more than 12 simply form another crew (with proper adult leadership). The minimum age to participate is 13.
BSA units will need to comply with the Guide to Safe Scouting, etc., and meet the safety requirements therein. All BSA Scouts and Scouters that hike must bring a current BSA Annual Health and Medical Record, parts A, and B, and meet the weight limits on part C.
Trail crews will be assigned a hike based on the preferences indicated in their registration. All hikes are approximately ten miles in length and range in difficulty from moderate (1500 foot change in elevation) to super strenuous (2600 foot change in elevation). Other Hike-o-ree activities include a Friday night opening rally, a Saturday night High Adventure Rally, and a service project on Sunday morning. Crews receive their Hike-o-ree t-shirts Saturday night.
The Hike-o-ree is intended to be an introduction to backpacking and shakedown. Therefore, camping at the 4-H Center is BACKPACKING style using ONLY backpacking equipment. Bring ONLY what you can carry in your backpack. Come prepared to cook outdoors; bring a trail tarp. Do not bring chuck boxes, coolers, Dutch ovens, propane tanks, camp lanterns, etc.!!
Registration on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED BASIS begins on September 1, 2022, on the BSA National Capital Area Council website.
Unit deposit is required to reserve a particular hike not later than October 7, 2022. After you register for a hike and pay your deposit, you will be sent a confirmation email with the leader’s package and detailed information about the hike you have selected.
Because of the lead-time required to produce the t-shirts, the final date to provide shirt numbers and sizes (S, M, L, XL, 2XL) is October 14. NO ADDITIONAL ORDERS CAN BE TAKEN AFTER THAT DATE. Submit payment and final shirt orders online on BSA National Capital Area Council website.
The cost of the Hike-o-ree is $30.00 per participant.
For additional information contact:
Joe Flaig, (703) 250-9791 (H), jwflaig@aol.com
Dominick Caridi, (703) 625-4196, dscscouting@aol.com
Sign Up Today For The 2023 National Jamboree!
The 2023 National Jamboree Registration is OPEN!

Sign up today for the 2023 Jamboree scheduled for July 19-28, 2023.
Scouting as we know it has taken a bit of a turn over the last couple years. We are excited to announce that the National Jamboree will return to the Summit Bechtel Scout Reserve in 2023!
Registration is now open on the National website at jamboree.scouting.org. The National Capital Area Council is sending 14 contingent units to Jamboree. You can sign up today; adults are also encouraged to register but must be approved by the Council.
The NCAC cost for Jamboree is $1725 per person and includes the Jamboree, transportation to and from Summit, a backpack, patches, and more! Camperships are available for youth participants. The campership application is available on NCAC’s website.
Youth must be at least 12 years of age to attend; adults are 21 years and older. Participants age 18-21 will attend as youth participants. Participants will be assigned to a contingent unit the end of 2022. There will be a mandatory overnight event scheduled at Camp Snyder in June 2023. Contingent units will also meet prior to departing for Jamboree; details will be distributed by selected Scoutmasters.
Check out this video below to see what Jamboree has in store for you.
More information, including payment schedule, campership application, and Adult Leader applications are available on the Council’s website at ncacbsa.org/jamboree. If you have any questions, please reach out to Alex Keenan at ADLKeenan@gmail.com or Bob MacKichan at robert.mackichan@hklaw.com.
We look forward to seeing you at Jamboree next year!
Meet 2022 Silver Beaver Recipient Susan Lichtman
Susan is a dedicated wife and proud mom of two adult Eagle Scouts. She has been an active scouter for over 20 years working with the Seneca District and NCAC. Susan has worked on the Pack Committee while her two sons were in Cubs and helped with event logistics, outings, and award ceremonies. She finally crossed over into Scouts when her youngest moved up from Arrow of Light to Scout. At the troop level, Susan served the unit in a myriad of ways. She was an Assistant Scout Master, Troop Committee member, Summer Camp chaperone, and Merit Badge counselor just to name a few.
Susan has worn many hats at the district level including, Cub Scout Day Camp Nature Station Master, Member-at-Large on Seneca District Committee, District Membership committee, Climb Master, and Family Scouting Champion. Having served on the District Camporee Committee since its inception, 8 years ago, she assists with planning and running stations. Susan personally designed some popular stations like the A-Frame, Branding, and Blacksmith. Additionally, she even brought onboard several scouters from another district, who now volunteer every year.
At the Council level, Susan participates in the NCAC Jewish Committee on Scouting and has worked to organize events for various holidays and festivals, the annual merit badge fair, and serves as a counselor for the Jewish religious scout awards. Outside of Scouting, Susan has been very active in her local and religious communities. She served as a volunteer coordinator, school field trip chaperone, Chief Election Judge, mentor for the Future Voters program, and facilitator for AARP tax program.
At the Button Farm Living History Center, Susan was the Volunteer Coordinator for their Germantown Flea Market partnership and was a docent for visitors and school tours. Susan served over 12 years as Chief Election Judge and Mentor for Montgomery County’s Future Voters program. During COVID, Susan became a Facilitator with the AARP Tax-Aide program. One of Susan’s favorite activities was acting as a field trip chaperone for her kids’ school.
Susan served over 12 years as a religious schoolteacher at Congregation Or Hadash, grades K through 7. With her husband, Susan served as Havurot, or Fellowship, Coordinator for monthly family Sabbath dinners and Coordinator for after-service refreshments. On a lighter note, Susan loves to sing alto in the congregation’s choir.
Congratulations to Susan and the 2022 Silver Beaver Class!
Saving a Fellow Student’s Life Earns Aquia District Scout the BSA Medal of Merit
We all know that our BSA Scouting Motto is: “Be Prepared.” The Founder of Scouting, Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell, England, when asked by a reporter in the early 1900’s, “Be prepared for what?” replied: “Why, for any old thing, of course!”
Through an exemplary display of living these words, Jayden Easley of Troop 26 (“26 KICKS!”), Aquia District in Stafford, VA, earned the BSA Medal of Merit. Jayden proved to “Be Prepared” by showing confidence, initiative and quickly taking actions to save the life of a fellow classmate when he unexpectedly faced an emergency that required using his Scouts BSA First Aid training skills at school.
Here’s what happened: On Friday, September 10, 2021, while attending Ms. LaFrance’s French class at A.G. Wright Middle School, Stafford VA, a student in the class appeared to be choking on something and fell to the floor. Without hesitating, Jayden asked the student if they could talk or breath… they were unable to respond. Jayden quickly began to apply first aid by helping the student to stand and then applied back thrusts in an attempt to remove any obstruction. When the back thrusts were ineffective, Jayden then applied the Heimlich maneuver. It is unsure if the victim was actually choking on something or not, but after Jayden’s actions, the student was able to begin breathing again. Other students in the room went to retrieve the school nurse when Jayden began first aid, but by the time the nurse arrived the student was breathing again. The victim was taken to the nurse’s office to make sure everything was okay, which the class later found out was the case.
Jayden’s teacher, Ms LaFrance, added that it was “a scary few minutes” but Jayden was “right there” to offer assistance with the Heimlich maneuver. She added that Jayden was very calm and acted without hesitation.
During his Board of Review with the BSA National Court of Honor committee, Jayden credited his actions to the first aid he learned from his Troop Guides and a Troop-sponsored First Aid/CPR class he attended in 2021.
During a Court of Honor, held on 13 April 2022, officiated by Dara Campbell, Aquia District Executive, Jayden’s meritorious actions were honored and celebrated by fellow Scouts, friends and family. Jayden’s parents were clearly so very proud to take roles by pinning the Medal of Merit on Jayden’s uniform and presenting him with the framed certificate. In his remarks, Jayden humbly thanked everyone involved with submitting him for the award, for organizing and attending the Court of Honor and to those Scouts and Scouters who helped him learn and perfect his Scouting First Aid skills so that he could “Be Prepared” when it mattered most.