Do a shadow drawing – Use some Scouting related items, toys, or other household objects. You can even make this a Nova experiment by talking with a counselor!
Even more fun? Invite a pack-mate or a friend who isn’t a Scout yet to do a drawing as well and have a Zoom Art Show. Please post photos of your shadow drawings for us to see here!
You can find an example experiment here:
Today is the day so many of us have been waiting for – National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day!!!This one is easy: Make or buy some chocolate chip cookies and share them with your family. Don’t forget the milk!
Take a hike or walk and count how many out of state license plates you see. Pick one of the states you saw and learn about a state park OR a national park in that state.
Learn the American Sign Language signs for at least 4 points of the Scout Law. This video shows the whole Scout Law at speed and then slower to help follow along
Wolves get credit for Cubs Who Care Requirement #6 by completing this activity!
Webelos/AOL Challenge: Use this video: learn the Scout Oath to complete Aware and Care Requirement #4e
Go through family photos of the summer so far. Pick out your favorite and share with your family why it’s your favorite. If you get really creative, you can make a frame for the photo or even start a scrapbook based on your summer adventures!
If it’s a scouting adventure, be sure to post it here! –
It’s Safety Saturday!
Pick a requirement from the Emergency Preparedness Award with your Family and work on it today.
Requirements are here for each rank: