Theaters are an important art venue and provide all sorts of entertainment.
This week we are going to make hand puppets – You can use a sock, a paper lunch bag, paint, markers, or any other materials you’d like (and the adults in your house approve) to design a puppet for your hand.
PS – You’ll need it later this week!
It’s Taste Something Tuesday! Fruits and vegetables are important for a balanced diet. Dietitians agree the more color you have on your plate, the healthier the meal.
So today, put together a colorful lunch, using at least one “new to you” fruit or vegetable. Post a photo of what you try and how it was!
It’s Wander Around Wednesday!
Pick a town, county, or state park you have not been to. Plan and take a hike/walk at that park. Don’t forget your Cub Scout hiking essentials!!
It’s Do Something Thoughtful Thursday!
Take some time and listen to a new style of music.
Did you enjoy it? How did it make you feel?
Write down your thoughts and feelings and share this new music with your family, den, or pack.
Webelos – If you can find a live music broadcast, or a recording, you can satisfy Maestro Requirement 1(a).
It’s Family Fun Friday!
Put on a puppet show with your sock puppets from Monday. Share it with your den or extended family on Zoom or in person, if your unit is meeting together.
This can fulfill Tiger Theater Requirements 1 & 3, and Wolves Howling at the Moon Requirement 2.
It’s Safety Saturday!
Talk with your family about what to do during severe weather in your area – We see thunderstorms with heavy rain, hail, and high winds during the summer and can get heavy snow and ice during the winter.What other types of serious weather can we get in the National Capital Area Council?