During the 2019-2020 Scouting year, Pack 18 (for Girls & Boys) worked diligently to fulfill the four requirements for the National Capital Area Council’s (NCAC) Outdoor Ethics Awareness Award. Then in March 2020; the COVID-19 pandemic became the focus of our lives, the Governors of Virginia and Maryland issued stay at home orders and schools were canceled for the remainder of the year. The once uncommon term called social distancing became a term that everyone quickly understood. Then the question became, “To Scout or not to Scout” and then “What is the best way to connect with our Scouts and their Caring Guardians”.
Instead of waiting, Pack 18 (for Girls and Boys) decided to complete their Outdoor Ethics Awareness Award requirements. They worked with Council to modify any outdoor events for the new reality of indoor activities as well as to comply with social distancing guidelines.

This decision to proceed with Scouting added some normalcy into the lives of the Scouts and allowed them to complete a goal that they worked so hard to achieve. The Scouts in Pack 18 (for Girls & Boys) really liked using Zoom video technology because they could see the presenter’s videos and slide show as well as the ability to socialize with each other.
For the 2019-2020 Scouting year Pack 18 (for Girls & Boys) had nine Scouts complete the four requirements for the NCAC Outdoor Ethics Awareness Award. Of those Scouts, they all completed at least three requirements and some Scouts completed all four requirements with online video conferencing technology and indoor events.
Despite having to adapt to life in a COVID-19 environment, Pack 18’s Scouts pivoted and are now able to wear the NCAC Outdoor Ethics Awareness Award on their chests. When the Scouts realized that they had completed this achievement, the Scouts cheered and clapped very loudly – – it certainly made the decision to continue Scouting very worthwhile for them and their community!!!
Brent C. Purcell
Cubmaster Pack 18 (for Girls & Boys)
Leave No Trace Instructor
Wood Badge N6-82-18-2
Mattaponi District, National Capital Area Council