We are pleased to announce the team of Camp Directors for Goshen Scout Reservation 2020! If you ever have any questions about camp or the programs we provide, please visit www.GoToGoshen.org to get in touch with your camp director.
Phil Barbash, Goshen Scout Reservation Director
Phil is excited to begin his 18th summer working on staff at Goshen Scout Reservation. It will also be his 5th year as the Director of Operations. Beforehand, he worked 10 summers at Camp Bowman, with the last three as the Camp Director. He has served in various positions including Ecology Instructor, First Year Camper Director, and Camp Commissioner. He currently serves as NCAC’s Director of Camping with oversight over Goshen, Camp Snyder, Camp Airy, and Camp Wall.
Carl Trocki, Camp Bowman Director
This will be Carl’s 19th summer as a Goshen staff member, and 14th summer at Camp Bowman. Carl has experience in many different areas of camp, including: Camp Director at Bowman and Lenhok’sin, a myriad of program staff positions and even as an NCAC District Executive. When not at Goshen, Carl lives in Australia, working as a high school teacher/administrator/outdoor educator, and runs a successful watersports business at the beach. Carl is excited to return to Bowman as Camp Director for another summer, and hopes to help maintain the many traditions which have made Camp Bowman such a powerful and positive influence on so many young people.
Chris Warner, Camp Marriott Director
Chris is going on his tenth year working at Goshen. He started coming as a scout to Camp Bowman in 2008. He worked on staff at Bowman in Scoutcraft, Aquatics, and Facilities. He earned the rank of Eagle Scout in 2015. Chris is very excited to be continuing the tremendous program that Camp Marriott offers. In the months outside of summer camp, he attends the Business school at Salisbury University.
Tom Van Patten, Camp Olmsted Director
This summer will be Tom’s 9th year on the Goshen staff and his first at Camp Olmsted! Tom previously worked at Camp Bowman as the Program Director. He also worked in several areas including Nature and Scoutcraft. He has also served on the National Camping School Ecology staff. Outside of Scouting, Tom is a recent graduate of Lycoming College and an avid birder. He resides in Montgomery County, MD and works as a cabinetmaker. Working with scouts is a deeply gratifying experience for Tom and he looks forward to positively impacting the lives of young people this summer through the methods of Scouting.
Michael Filmonchik, Camp PMI Director
This will be Michael’s 4th summer at Goshen Scout Reservation and his first as Camp Director. He has worked in areas such as scoutcraft and shooting sports and is excited to be PMI’s Camp Director this summer. He loves Goshen Scout Reservation and values the everlasting experience it provides to scouts. When Michael is not at Goshen he is enrolled in the Masters of Teaching program at VCU. Michael attended PMI as a scout and is very excited to continue the legacy that made him fall in love with Scouting.
Richard Holtslander, Camp Ross Director
Richard attended Ross as a scout, and joined the Camp Ross Staff as early as he could. Since Richard’s first Summer in 2011 he has worked in various positions at camp, learning what it means to be part of the Ross Staff. This will be Richard’s tenth Summer working at Ross and first Summer as Camp Director. When Richard is not at camp he attends Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia and is studying for a Bachelors in Mathematics with a Minor in Environmental Science. Richard is excited for the new challenges the position will bring, and is looking forward to working with Scouts to have a great Summer and introduction to Scouting!
Griffin Linehan, Lenhok’sin High Adventure Director
This will be Griff’s 3rd year at Lenhok’sin. He has worked at BSA camps of all sorts since he was 13 years old. He has specifically worked at a lot of trek based camps and interpretive camps in leadership roles. Outside of camp, Griff teaches seventh grade enriched science. He is currently working on his Doctorate for Educational Policy, Measurement, & Evaluation. He is looking forward to working hard with the staff and providing a quality program this summer.
Learn more about our two Webelos Camps, three Scouts BSA & Venturing Camps, and Lenhok’sin High Adventure and all the adventures they have to offer on our website at www.gotogoshen.org.