On February 6th, STEM@Home returns to offer Cub Scouts the opportunity to work on Nova Awards! Each class will run from 1-3PM, guiding you through the fun and interactive requirements of each award.
Read more about each class and register here: https://scoutingevent.com/082-stemnova
Cub Scouts Can Code Nova class
A tremendous thank you to NCAC STEM Nova Counselors, Dr Jason Kralj and Mr. Mark Bruno, for developing and teaching these classes!
Both Dr. Kralj and Mr. Bruno have taught multiple times in STEM@Home during the past year, and we appreciate that they continue to create these opportunities for our cub scouts!
Special thank you as well to Ms. Susan Plano-Faber and Dr. Hatcher Tynes for coordinating guests (cryptology experts) for these presentations!
Finally, if you are a STEM aficionado and can help out as a guest speaker or by teaching a Nova class in a future STEM@Home, we would greatly appreciate this! We are looking for volunteers to lend their expertise for all the Cubs, Scouts BSA and Venturing Novas this spring.
Interested to volunteer but not sure how to get started? Please send us an email at stem@ncacbsa.org and we will connect you.
Tuesday, January 26th @ 5pm
Free Registration – click here!
We’re going to talk about steps youth leaders can take in their Units to create fun and effective programs. We’ll explore character development through themed campouts and talk about making the most of youth leadership roles.
More info:
Leadership Training is one of the four Aims of Scouting. Through these seminars Scouts will have an opportunity to continue their leadership development despite the cancellation of NYLT this winter. Each seminar will be fast-paced and last about 50 minutes. Content is delivered by NYLT staff and is designed to help Scouts develop as leaders. It is recommended, but not required, that participants hold positions of Unit leadership and have attended ILS(T/C/S) or NYLT.
Q. Is this an “Online NYLT course?”
A. No. NYLT is a 6-day practical learning experience. We are offering this webinar to help Scouts who have attended NYLT (or are thinking about attending NYLT) focus on a few specific leadership topics in a fast-paced online format.
Q. Who should attend?
A. Scouts from Troops, Crews and Ships in positions of leadership will find it most helpful. There are no prerequisites for the online Seminar. All welcome.
Q. Will you offer this session again?
A. This is currently the only time we are offering the seminar.
Q. Is there a certificate of completion I can share with my Unit Leader?
A. All Scouts will have an opportunity to receive (via email) a certificate of attendance.
Q. May Scouts who are not in NCAC attend this activity?
A. Of course. We will advertise within NCAC primarily but welcome Scouts outside NCAC who wish to explore leadership concepts.
Q. Will these webinars be placed on YouTube?
A. Not likely.
Q. Last summer NCAC also produced online Leadership Seminars. Is the information from those webinars still available?
A. You may download the course notes from any of the Summer Leadership Seminars at: https://www.ncacbsa.org/national-youth-leadership-training-seminars/
Q. When is the next opportunity to take NYLT in NCAC?
A. We are planning our 2021 calendar now. When dates are confirmed and registration opens we will announce on our website, Facebook and over email.
Question? email contact@myNYLT.org
Has the pandemic put a hamper on your Scouting program? Do you want to improve your Scouting Unit’s performance, or want to add some pizazz to your program? If so, register for the 2021 Virtual University of Scouting!
The University of Scouting is the National Capital Area Council’s largest one-day training event offering fun classes for all Scouting Volunteers. This training includes learning opportunities for every volunteer from a Pack, Troop, Crew, Ship, Post, Lab, District, or Council. Every volunteer, new or seasoned, are welcomed and encouraged to attend. This year, the entire event is virtual.
The University of Scouting offers more than 150 classes in 5 different “colleges.”
• The College of Cub Science is for adult volunteers whose primary focus is on the Cub Scout Program. Find information on how to make your meetings more energetic and purposeful. Learn about Family Scouting and the Lions program.
• The College of Scouts BSA focuses on scouting from the ranks of Scout to Eagle. Information on how to run, and maintain a youth-run Troop. Discover the secret to challenging the youth on their advancement and camping.
• The College of Adventure provides you with information and resources for your older youth in Scouts BSA, Venture Crews, Explorer Posts, and Sea Scouting. Learn how to take the next step in challenging your older youth.
• The College of General Studies has many classes that will improve any unit, with classes covering the Unit, District and Council operations, Social Media usage, online Scouting, and the STEM program.
The University of Scouting’s Course Guide provides a course description of every offered class.
There is something for everyone! Register and secure your spot in the class of your choice! Join us and take part in a broad spectrum of individual classes that will strengthen each volunteer’s ability to deliver an excellent program for our youth. The cost to attend the University of Scouting is $20.
The College will run on February 27, 2021. Classes start at 9:00 AM and end at 3:50 PM. They will all start on the hour and run for 50 minutes. There will be a ten-minute break at the end of each class, providing time to log into the next class. Attendees may attempt to log into their class about five minutes before the start of each class.
Noontime Assembly – The noontime keynote presentation is from the NCAC Scout Executive Craig Poland. No other classes will take place during this time. We will hear from Mr. Poland, who will update us on the state of scouting in the NCAC and Nationally. We also recognize an outstanding NCAC “Trainer” with the 2021 D. Andrew Grafton Award.
The Zoom links for the training will be sent to each registered adult volunteer a week before the training.
Register today at, https://scoutingevent.com/082-uos
Enter a World of Magical Competition!
Prepare for a world of magic and mischief, as Camps PMI and Ross host the first Magic Olympics in the new world. Join the competition – will you be an Archer using your power to guide your shot? Perhaps a master of tricks and illusion perfecting your skills and Handicraft and Scoutcraft. Come discover these skills and more at Camp this summer!
Unit registration is open for Goshen’s two Webelos camps, Camp PMI and Camp Ross. Join us for a spellbinding summer for rising Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts. Choose a week and save a spot for your Pack! Get more information and save a spot at www.gotogoshen.org.
by Sara Holtz
Program Term – January 1 to December 31, 2021
The Environmental Protection Agency, as part of a public awareness campaign to celebrate its first 50 years, has partnered with the Boy Scouts of America to create an award for members of troops, crews and ships. This new award will recognize youth who research and learn about the subjects of human health and the environment, as the EPA develops its vision for the next 50 years.
The objective of the EPA award is to combine a variety of disciplines to challenge and educate youth; introduce them to the breadth of the EPA’s involvement in environmental protection and conservation; and encourage them to research, investigate, experiment, demonstrate, survey, and study air pollution, water pollution, solid and hazardous waste, and ocean dumping.
Complete or already have completed* one merit badge from each category:
1. Animal Study (circle badge completed)
a. Animal Science
b. Bird Study
c. Insect Study
d. Mammal Study
e. Reptile and Amphibian Study
2. Outdoor Activity (circle badge completed)
a. Backpacking
b. Camping
c. Canoeing
d. Climbing
e. Fishing
f. Fly-Fishing
g. Gardening
h. Hiking
i. Kayaking
j. Scuba Diving
k. Whitewater
l. Wilderness Survival
3. Earth Science (circle badge completed)
a. Energy
b. Forestry
c. Geology
d. Nature
e. Oceanography
f. Plant Science
g. Soil and Water Conservation
h. Weather
4. Earn the Public Health merit badge.
5. During the 2021 calendar year, participate in an environmental/public health community service project as part of an approved Scouting program totaling at least 6 hours.
* Merit badges may be earned retroactively
Link to the application: https://i9peu1ikn3a16vg4e45rqi17-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/512-09821_EPAAward.pdf