Our Council’s financial destiny is dependent on the legacy of a strong Endowment program and management of those funds. On May 19, National Capital Area Council acknowledged our many Endowment donors who support our Council’s long-term investment accounts and to recognize all endowment and major gift donors. NCAC proudly honored 92 James E. West recipients, 14 NCAC Fellows and 5 Second Century recipients. Thanks to them, our Endowment provided 173 camperships, sponsored 478 Out Reach youth and several camp projects.
The morning began with a welcoming reception, then an inspirational program featuring four of our local Scouts who make a difference daily in our Council! Our keynote Speaker was National Outstanding Eagle Scout recipient and President of Dean & Robert Kramer School of Law at George Washington University Law School, Dr. Blake D. Morant. Dr. Morant shared his many life stories of how Scouting helped to develop his character and impacted his career. The festivities concluded with our youth speakers cutting our Eagle cake with a Ceremonial Navy Sword.

To learn how you can make a difference and build your Scouting Legacy contact Sr. Development Director Geoffrey Thomas ( 301-214-9110 , Geoffrey.Thomas@Scouting.org) or Endowment Chair Forrest Horton (703-919-4636, Forrest.Horton@Verizon.net).