In August, 16 Scouts and Leaders enrolled in the annual Camp William B. Snyder Open Water Diver scuba certification course. They spent two days at Camp Snyder learning safety information in the classroom and basic scuba skills in the pool. The following weekend they completed their certification at a local quarry where they demonstrated the skills they learned in the pool. Many of these Scouts are headed to the Florida Sea Base this summer for a Scuba Adventure program. Online registration for the NCAC 2019 August scuba course is available at Leaders can find out how to incorporate scuba into their annual program at the University of Scouting on February 23.
Camp Snyder
Lifeguard Training
Would you like a job as a lifeguard at your local pool or Scout camp this summer? If so, you will need lifeguard certification. This year NCAC will offer both BSA Lifeguard and American Red Cross pool and waterfront lifeguard training at Camp Snyder. Minimum age is 15. The mandatory pre-course swim test will be on April 28. Once you pass the swim test you will have 2 weeks to complete the online portion of the Red Cross Lifeguard course. The in-pool course dates are May 18, 19, and 25. Attendance at all sessions is required to pass the course. More information and registration can be found at
NCAC Bids Farewell to Snyder Camping Director, Michael Snowden
On Sunday, September 23, several hundred Scouters from across the Council gathered in the dining hall of Camp William B. Snyder to celebrate the life of former Camp Snyder Camping Director Michael Snowden.
Michael passed away unexepectedly in August of this year. In his time with our Council, he made a lasting mark at Snyder, driving it to achieve its full potential and energetically creating a superior experience for all those he hosted there.
For those who had the privilege of getting to know him, he is remembered as a uniquely warm and kind individual who possessed a drive to succeed in all that he did.
NCAC asks that you please continue to keep Michael and his loved ones in your prayers. As you mourn his passing, we also encourage you to take the time to celebrate his life by sharing your memories. As a co-worker, a colleague, or most importantly, a friend, he will certainly be missed by all of us in the NCAC community.
He has gone home.
Wood Shop Opens at Camp Snyder
Looking for a great place to work on your Eagle Project? Would your Pack or Den like to hold a Pinewood Derby clinic? Would you like to add a service project to a weekend camping event? Camp William B. Snyder is pleased to announce the opening of its new wood shop. The wood shop is fully outfitted and with approximately 1200 square feet of floor space and 150 sq. ft. of work benches, there is ample space to handle projects of all sizes.
We are very excited to have this facility up and running. We are expecting to be able to offer new events and merit badge opportunities throughout the year and to offer expanded program activities for our summer camps. In addition, the space will be available for Scout, Unit or District events and service projects. We have created a photo gallery for the wood shop which shows the space, tools available and the many safety features of the shop. It will be available shortly on our website.
An official grand opening and open house will be held during the Scout Expo at Camp Snyder on November 17, 2018. Demonstrations will be scheduled throughout the day and our volunteer Shop Stewards will be on hand to answer questions about the facility.
This has been another great example of how volunteers have added tremendous value to Camp Snyder. From the initial planning and throughout the construction, this project has been completed with 100% volunteer labor. We would like to thank all the volunteers who have contributed their time, tools and equipment to the construction and outfitting of the shop. We would like to specifically recognize Dave Schneeman, CJ Staton and Mell Cunningham for their countless hours of effort in planning and construction of the shop and Dick Meyers, Mitch Lynch and Pack 1860 for their generous donations of equipment and tools. In addition, we would like thank Cole Howell who arranged for the donation of all of the electrical supplies needed for the project as well as for his time in making all of the final electrical connections.
We will be continuously seeking to improve the offering and capabilities of the shop. If you would like to purchase a tool or supplies for the shop or if you have tools, supplies or equipment that you would like to donate, a list of needed items is posted on the website. We are also looking for experienced woodworkers to serve as Shop Stewards to help maintain & operate the shop. If you have tools or equipment to donate, or if you are interested in volunteering as a Shop Steward, please email Dave Schneeman at
We hope to see you at our open house on November 17. If you have questions or would like to visit the shop, please contact Phil Barbash at Philip.Barbash@Scouting.Org.
Vietnamese Scouts Celebrate Culture & Scouting @ Camp Snyder
This summer, Thẳng Tiến returned to the Washington D.C. metropolitan area for the first time in 20 years, and Camp William H. Snyder was thrilled to be the host site for the largest gathering of Vietnamese Scouts in the nation. For 7 days from June 28th to July 4th, Vietnamese Scouts from around the globe for a week of action-packed adventure and fellowship, This year’s theme was “Tighten our Bond & Set New Record”.