Spring Family Camping at Snyder

Memorial Day Family Camp at Snyder

Just realized you want the best summer job? It’s not too late. Missed our January hiring event? No problem! We’re still scheduling phone and video interviews.
Camp Snyder and the camps of Goshen Scout Reservation are always looking for fun-loving, energetic, and hardworking individuals to be part of our Summer 2023 Camp Staff. The sooner you apply, the more likely you are to be able to apply for your first choice of job position!
Camp Snyder creates fun for Cub Scouts in both day camp settings and weekend overnight settings and, with expert volunteers, runs a one-week Merit Badge program for Scouts BSA.
Goshen Scout Reservation is made of up six camps. Camp Ross runs six weeks of camp purely for Webelos and AOLs. Camps Bowman, Marriott, and Olmsted serve Scouts BSA campers with Merit Badge program and other activities. The elite staff of Lenhok’sin High Adventure run outposts and treks for older Scouts BSA and Venturers. Camp Post serves the administrative needs of the Goshen camps.
We are still seeking candidates for the following positions:
Employment dates are from June 17 to August 1, 2023 for most camps at Goshen Scout Reservation and June 17 to July 29, 2023 for Camp Snyder.
Get a full list of job openings, learn more, and find your summer job at Goshen Scout Reservation – www.gotogoshen.org/staff – or Camp Snyder – www.gotosnyder.org/work
Get Wilderness First Aid certified! Through our Outdoor Preparedness Initiative (OPI), NCAC offers Wilderness First Aid training (WFA) once a month at Camp Snyder in Haymarket, VA. Be prepared for a BSA national or local high adventure, a unit trip, or just outdoor adventure in general. If you are attending NCAC’s Lenhok’sin High Adventure – whether you are backpacking on the Trail Trek or whitewater canoeing on the River Trek – you need at least one crew member with Wilderness First Aid training.
OPI’s spring course dates are on the calendar! Courses fill up fast, so be sure to sign up soon.
March 25-26, 2023
April 22-23, 2023
May 20-21, 2023
Visit www.ncacbsa.org/opi-wfa to learn more and select your course.
OPI provides certification through the American Red Cross. The training is for adults and youth ages 14 and up.
Looking for more information on High Adventure? Check out www.gotogoshen.org/lenhoksin for information on Lenhok’sin High Adventure programs and visit www.ncacbsa.org/high-adventure to learn about opportunities provided by NCAC’s High Adventure Committee.
Join the staff of the different NCAC Summer Camps and Programs for information session webinars as you prepare for Summer Camp 2023. These webinars are perfect for new leaders, units going to a camp that is new to them, or for returning leaders that want the latest update. There will be representation from Goshen Scout Reservation, Camp Snyder, District Day and Twilight Camps, Camp Catoctin BSA, and the NCAC High Adventure Committee’s contingents. Start planning for your 2023 camp adventure!
Webinars will begin at 7pm EST.
Get all the details on day camps and overnight camps at Camp Snyder, Goshen’s Camp Ross, and District Day and Twilight Camps.
Register in advance: https://ncacbsa-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UYR010YhTxeGbfC59FlsVA
Get information about programs for both Troops and individuals at Goshen’s Camps Bowman, Marriott, and Olmsted; Goshen’s Provisional Camp program; Camp Snyder’s Specialty Week; and Camp Catoctin BSA.
Register in advance: https://ncacbsa-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_PajeL9YgR2CSMvypEae5rw
Looking for adventure? Get the information for Summer 2023 on Goshen’s Lenhok’sin High Adventure or one of the High Adventure Committee’s trips.
Register in advance: https://ncacbsa-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MgGlWKc0Rx6h9hDc_g_xVw
Planning your summer? Check out our summer camps! The 2023 NCAC Summer Camp Guide is now available online.
Is your scout going to be a rising Tiger, rising Wolf, rising Bear, or rising Webelos or Arrow of Light? Cub Scout camps all have an overarching theme. It’s Off to the Races at the District Day and Twilight camps. Find one near you! Or get ready for a mysterious week at Day Camp at Camp Snyder. The theme this year is ???. Ready for the next step up? Sign up for a short overnight camp at Camp Snyder’s Resident Weekends.
Are your rising Webelos and AOL dens looking for a weeklong adventure? Camp Ross is Goshen Scout Reservation’s dedicated overnight Webelos camp. The theme this summer is Sherlock Ross: The Case of the Disappearing Camps. Help the camp staff solve the case!
Is your scout bridging into a Scouts BSA Troop? There are plenty of options. Camps Bowman, Marriott, and Olmsted at Goshen Scout Reservation offer a variety of dining options, unique and favorite Merit Badges and activities, and exciting programs for new scouts, older scouts, and all the scouts in between. Finish out your summer with Camp Catoctin BSA’s expert Merit Badge counselors in mid-August.
Is your Scout not able to attend camp with their Troop? Are they looking for a second week? Check out our options for individual scouts: Goshen runs Provisional Camp each week and Camp Snyder has Scout Specialty Week with both overnight and day camp options.
Need more adventure for older scouts, Venturers, and Sea Scouts? Sign your unit up for a backpacking trek or a river trek at Goshen’s Lenhok’sin High Adventure. Individuals can find adventure with a High Adventure Base Trip to a National or local High Adventure with a council contingent run by the NCAC High Adventure Committee. Order of the Arrow members should also make note of GOAT, the Goshen OA Trail Crew.
And of course, for those ages 14 and up who just cannot get enough summer camp, there is always the option to join summer camp staff!
There are so many options that all this is only a brief summary! View the 2023 NCAC Summer Camp Guide for details and pictures on all the possibilities for your summer. Get outdoors, have fun, and #adventureon!
Is a week of summer camp not enough? Spend the whole summer! Get out of the house and into the outdoors. Each summer, our summer camps employ close to 300 youth and adults as camp staff – one of the coolest summer jobs you could ever have! Work a fun summer job and get valuable experience and trainings to put on your resume and valuable skills to bring to future summers at camp and other future jobs.
Camp Snyder and the six camps of Goshen Scout Reservation are seeking motivated and enthusiastic individuals who enjoy the outdoors to be part of the Summer 2023 Camp Staff. Which camp is the best fit for you?
Engage your imagination and have a chance to lead your favorite Cub Scout activity at Camp Snyder. Create fun for Cub Scouts and their leaders in boating, crafts, nature, swimming, archery, and theme activities in both day camp settings and weekend overnight settings. Finish out the summer with a week of Merit Badge program for Scouts BSA with a core of expert Scouting volunteers.
Head into the Blue Ridge Mountains for the summer at one of the six camps of Goshen Scout Reservation. Join our energetic and goofy staff at our Webelos Camp – Camp Ross. Want to teach your favorite Merit Badge? Choose one of our three Scouts BSA camps – Camp Bowman, Camp Marriott, or Camp Olmsted. Looking for adventure? Become part of the elite staff at Lenhok’sin High Adventure Base. Are you a behind the scenes person? Our administration camp – Camp Post – might be the place for you.
Staff must be 15 years of age or older to be an instructor and 16 or older to work at Goshen’s Lenhok’sin High Adventure. Not yet 15? If you’re 14, apply to be a Counselor-in-Training at any of our Cub Scout, Webelos, or Scouts BSA Resident Camps. We’re also on the lookout for those 18 years of age or older to take on leadership positions and those 21 years of age or older to fill specialized positions.
Have friends or family that love the outdoors, but aren’t in Scouting? Tell them about it! Prior experience with the Boy Scouts of America is not required.
Employment dates are from June 17 to August 1, 2023 for most camps at Goshen Scout Reservation and June 17 to July 28, 2023 for Camp Snyder.
Hiring season starts in January with interviews via phone or video call. Submit your application by January 20 for a January interview date.
Apply online and get more information on our websites. Visit www.gotogoshen.org/staff for camps at Goshen Scout Reservation and www.gotosnyder.org/work for Camp Snyder.
Looking to be part of the volunteer staff for your District’s Cub Scout Day Camp? Contact the Camp Director for your local Day Camp or the District Executive for your District. The contact information for your local Day Camp Director will be on the event page for the Day Camp, accessible via www.gotodaycamp.org.
Want to volunteer for Camp Catoctin BSA? Finish out your summer with the dedicated volunteers of this one week Thurmont, MD camp for Scouts BSA in August by visiting www.campcatoctinbsa.org.