When we started social distancing and businesses closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic, my family and I thought of something our Troop could do to help others. I started to research food pantries and our Scoutmaster suggested we contact the one supported by our chartering organization, Aldersgate United Methodist Church. So I called Rising Hope and asked if we could do a food drive, and they said yes.
So, we sent out an email about the food drive to the Troop then a few days later my brother, my Mom, and I went to Aldersgate parking lot to wait for Scout families to drive by and drop off food. Then the next day my Mom and I went to Rising Hope and delivered the food.
I felt good about organizing this because the food will be given to people that need it and we live out the Scout Law (Helpful, Kind) even when we can’t have regular Troop meetings. A Scout is HELPFUL and KIND.