On November 10, Webelos from Pack 1344 came out to Michael’s Woodshop to build owl boxes as a service project for Camp Snyder. In the process, they were given the opportunity to learn and practice some basic woodworking skills. With assistance and guidance from two volunteer Shop Stewards, parents and their Den Chief, these Webelos learned basic shop safety rules, how to read working drawings, measuring and marking skills, how to use a hammer and nail punch and they even got to install some hinges.
As the boxes began to take shape, so did their smiles. At the end of the session, the Webelos had created six awesome owl boxes. After watching this “normally active bunch” stay focused and engaged for over 2 hours, their Den Leader described it as “a truly awesome experience”.
Scouts and other volunteers will continue this conservation project on future Camp Snyder Service Days by installing these owl boxes throughout the camp and maintaining them in the coming years. Many similar conservation projects are available – Scouts recently installed four bluebird boxes at camp with several more to go. If you would like to learn more about conservation and other service projects at Camp Snyder, upcoming Service Days or to arrange for group projects, please email us at CWBS.Volunteers@gmail.com.
Michael’s Woodshop at Camp William B. Snyder is a hands-on work space that was designed for use by Scouts of all ages to create and learn. From Baloo the Builder activities to Eagle Scout Projects, our group of volunteer Shop Stewards can help you organize and carry out successful events. Michael’s Woodshop may be reserved for Unit activities, District events and many other Scouting activities. To learn more about shop capabilities, upcoming events and reserving the shop please visit the Camp Snyder website or email us at MichaelsWoodshop.CWBS@gmail.com.