At University of Scouting nineteen Scouters from four Wood Badge courses were awarded their beads during a lunchtime ceremony attended by two hundred Wood badgers and supporters.
First recipients of the New Hornaday Unit Patch
Congratulations to Pack 1530 in Powhatan District for being the first unit to earn the new NCAC Hornaday Unit award patch.
William T. Hornaday awards are given for distinguished service to natural resource conservation. The Hornaday Unit certificate is awarded to a pack, troop, crew or ship of five or more Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA Scouts, Venturers, or Sea Scouts for participating in a substantial conservation project. At least 60 percent of registered youth must participate. The Unit award may be awarded for participation in a Hornaday Badge or Medal project, for participation in an outside organization’s conservation project, or for a standalone project the unit planned and conducted on its own.
NCAC developed this new patch for the participants in Hornaday Unit award projects. It features the Smithsonian Castle and a bison because William T. Hornaday, a taxidermist for the Smithsonian, is credited with helping to prevent the extinction of the America bison.
Pack 1530 earned this prestigious conservation award by participating in Boy Scout John Foong’s Hornaday Badge project to remove invasive plant Japanese stiltgrass at Frying Pan Farm Park. Japanese stiltgrass is invasive because it is non-native, grows aggressively, and crowds out native plants. Pack 1530 Cub Scouts, scouters, alums, and family members helped over 100 other volunteers remove 110 large garbage bags of stiltgrass. In the spring, volunteers will help plant native shrubs and perennials on the site where the stiltgrass once lived. This project site is part of Fairfax County Park Authority’s Invasive Management Area (IMA) program.
For more information about Hornaday projects, please go to the NCAC Hornaday page ( We strongly advise any scout interested in a Hornaday project or any unit interested in a Hornaday Unit award to identify a Hornaday Adviser to guide you through the process.
“Unusual prizes are won only by unusual service.”
– William T. Hornaday
“Very special thanks to our local Cub Scouts who participated in clean-ups. Your efforts will help the land to heal and provide a fresh landscape for native plants and animals to live. When we all pull together great things happen. May you all continue your wonderful work in conservation and thank you all so much from your friends at Frying Pan Farm Park.”
– Patrick Macnamara, land manager at Frying Pan Farm Park
Scouts BSA Supernova Award Recipient
On January 5, 2019, Dominic Gagliardi was awarded not only his Eagle Award but also the Dr. Bernard Harris Super Nova Award.
When Dominic started High School in the fall of 2014, he joined the Botball team of Explorer Post 1010 in addition to being a member of Boy Scout Troop 944 and Venture Crew 27, to start his path to the award. During this high school years he earned three Nova awards with each requiring earning a merit badge, at least 3 hours of study, and an experiment and a field trip.
Then, to earn the Super Nova, Dominic had to fulfill several more requirements, including earning 5 more STEM merit badges, researching a STEM career, shadowing a scientist or engineer, participating in STEM competition, researching a STEM debate, and sharing his knowledge. He shared what he learned by helping Cub Scout Pack 1975 earn a part of a nova award. Among other things, he showed them how a soda can demonstrated two different levers. As a member of Post 1010, Dominic participated in Botball competitions for each of his four years of high school. To prepare for theses competition,s he spent a minimum of 3 hours each week building, rebuilding , and coding an autonomous robot made from a rumba.
Only 20 others Boy Scouts have earned the Dr. Bernard Harris Super Nova award in our Council since its inception in 2012.
Scout Exec Presents NCAC Centennial Club Award
On January 20th, Scout Executive Craig Poland presented the NCAC Centennial Club award to Pastor Tracy McNeil Vines during Scout Sunday observance at the Clarendon United Methodist Church in Arlington, Virginia. The church is one of only four in the Council that has sponsored Scouting for over 100 consecutive years!
Troop 447 Scores a “Triple Triple”
On Jan. 5, 2019, Troop 447, Rockville, MD, held a rare quadruple Eagle Court of Honor for its four newest Eagle Scouts: Andrew T. Green, David E. Hinds, Jeremiah K. Whitney and Matthew S. King. These young men became Troop 447’s 136th, 137th, 138th and 139th Eagle Scouts since the troop was formed in 1950. Remarkably, each of them began their Eagle trail in the same den in Cub Scout Pack 928.
The event was truly remarkable in yet another way. It marked a “triple triple” for Troop 447. Andrew Green is the youngest of the three sons of Assistant Scoutmaster John and Sonya Green. Both of Andrew’s older brothers, Robert and William, became Eagle Scouts through Troop 447. Matthew King is the youngest of the three sons of Assistant Scoutmaster David and Helena King. Both of his older brothers, Joe and Noah, became Eagle Scouts through Troop 447. In attendance at the Court of Honor were Assistant Scoutmaster and Eagle Mentor Chuck and Sue Aubertin, parents of three sons, Michael, Gregory and Douglas, all of whom became Eagle Scouts through Troop 447. Three sets of three brothers from three 447 families, all Eagle Scouts — a “triple triple” for the troop.
The event was even more historic because it was multi-generational. “Mattie” King’s proud father, David King, Troop 447’s 36th Eagle Scout, administered the Eagle Charge during the ceremony. “I never thought, as a 16-year-old Eagle Scout in 1978, that I would have three sons and they would all become Eagles,” said Mr. King. Also in attendance was Mattie’s grandfather, David J. King, Sr., who was a member of Troop 447 in the 1950’s and an adult leader in the troop in the 1970’s. Mattie’s great grandfather, Albert T. King, was also a Troop 447 adult leader. Scoutmaster Steve Pirozzi and Master of Ceremonies and former Scoutmaster Charlie Griffiths presided over the Court held at the Rockville United Methodist Church, the chartered organization for both Troop 447 and Pack 928.
Photos courtesy of Chuck Aubertin, Cindy Griffiths, and John Green.
Whitewater Rafting BSA Award
The Whitewater Rafting BSA Award was launched last summer to assist the many Scouting units that participate in rafting trips conducted by outfitters. The Whitewater Rafting BSA Award recognizes the challenge and adventure of such activities.
The award is available to BSA youth and adults who are members of Scouts BSA, Venturing, or Sea Scout units.
Requirements for the award focus on safety and basic paddling skills on whitewater up to Class III. All instruction and skill completions are directly supervised by a professionally trained or licensed rafting guide. A qualified raft captain must be in each raft during the required trip. Participants must help power and control the raft with paddles.
A new resource brochure is now available on the aquatics page of at to support units and outfitters in completing the Award. Check it out while you are planning your next whitewater rafting trip.