At the start of the COVID-19 shut down, Cub Scout Pack 42 started a program using 3D printers owned by a handful of our Scout families to print ear relief bands and face shields for health care workers. This fall, we have shifted gears and are now printing a combination of these items for local teachers who are returning to in person educating at the start of this school year for at risk students. Our Pack has raised funds for this project and through the generosity of our families we have been able to fully fund printing efforts. To date we have provided 670 items to health care workers and are working towards a minimum of 300 face shields and 300 ear relief bands for teachers.
do a good turn
COVID-19’s ravaging of employment and financial stability left millions struggling to make ends meet; Scout families were no exception. The grave extent of this hardship was understood when Scout families from Troop 167 were struggling merely to put food on the table. Operating in the early stages of quarantine and following every measure of safety, a small group of troop members rallied together to help get food to these families. The Troop members began to deliver packages of goods: staples like rice, flour, beans, fruits and vegetables, etc. on a weekly basis. This proved to be only the beginning of a much greater effort; a food drive for the Arlington community.
Troop 167 was chartered by Mt. Olivet United Methodist Church nearly 70 years ago, and has recently began to focus on the patrol method and being Scout led. The Troop has done significant outreach to recruit scouts from underserved parts of our community. Dedication to service implements itself is one of the most fundamental values of Scouting. Scouts are taught in the oath “to help other people at all times,” and in our slogan to “do a good turn daily.” This troop strives to uphold these teachings together by doing service activities as troops: participating in Eagle Projects, and dedicating themselves to proactive protection of the environment. The characteristics of kindness, helpfulness, and thrift emphasized by Scouting drives Scouts and Scouters to make positive impacts on their communities as individuals when leading their daily lives. Given the monumental impact Covid-19 has had on communities around the world, the service of Scouting faces unprecedented demand.
As the delivery and supply of food to Scout families in need became more frequent, the spread of need beyond those whom we were already helping became alarmingly evident. Neighbors and relatives of our Scout families (majorly in Arlington) began inquiring if they could receive aid, as they too faced dangerous problems with obtaining meals.
The mission of Troop 167’s service project was to help as many people as possible receive a healthy supply of meals. This created two main focuses when determining the logistics of the project: spending the least amount of money to get the most amount of food, and providing a plentiful, balanced, and healthy diet. The value we placed on the latter focus was what led to the purchasing of food mentioned in the first focus: In order to ensure that we provided consistently stocked and balanced food packages, we had to be able to control where our food came from. Because of this, the Troop chose to purchase our food in bulk and rely on monetary donations, rather than follow the pattern of a regular food drive that collects food donations.
Together they created a list of groceries that were comprehensive of a balanced diet, and one that aimed to provide nutrition for a family for one week’s time. This list included the following: Dry Goods (rice, beans, flour, sugar, oats, pasta, pasta sauce, tortillas, cookies/treat, bouillon, coffee, oil/margarine). Fresh Produce (tomatoes, onions, potatoes, lettuce/cabbage, carrots, broccoli, oranges). And Dairy/Meat (chicken franks, eggs, milk).
By comparing prices and buying in bulk, they were able to provide all of the listed items in the target quantity (approximately enough to feed a family for one week) for about $25-$27 a food package.
Over the course of the work week, they distributed in bulk non-perishable dry goods to Scout families to be divided into individual family portions (2-6 cups, depending on the item). As 50lb bags of beans, rice, flour, etc. finished being prepared in this way, the families delivered them to our Scoutmaster’s house- the HQ of our project. Over the course of the week these different products accumulated, and by the time the weekend rolled around (we determined which day based on the weather), all that was left to bring into the fold were the perishable goods. This included some dry goods like tortillas and bouillon (they either weren’t as shelf-stable, or didn’t need preparation), in addition to all of the produce, meat, eggs, and dairy. While Scouts assembled by patrol at the HQ early in the morning and began to put together the pre-portioned dry goods in family boxes, a Scout family went to the wholesale stores and purchased the perishables. They brought the perishables in the troop trailer to the HQ right as the dry goods finished being divided. They then took their turn being divvied into the family boxes, leaving us with complete food packages in less than two hours.
Headed by a Scout parent familiar with the aided community, designated Scout parents and older Scouts performed the food delivery. Strictly following safety protocols, this group took the complete food packages and drove them to the recipients in private cars, our troop van, and our troop trailer. The families received the food packages at their homes. For some this was an important detail: without private transportation and public transportation being unsafe, it was hard for some to access other food sources.
The Troop’s ability to proceed with such a massive project (they assembled ~150 packages each week) rode not only on the physical labor of our troop. Another factor driving our ability to provide food was financial backing. Given that they purchased the food instead of collecting it through donations, receiving capital was key to their success. To ensure this inflow of money, Scouts worked behind the scenes to spread awareness of our project: soliciting donations over email, phone, and text. Using neighborhood listservs to spread word of our fundraiser proved lucrative, and we were able to sustain our high cost project for many weeks. Our chartering organization also provided significant financial support.
As money began to run thin and the local economy began re-opening, the Troop project saw the right opportunity to phase out at the end of June. The Scout leaders stated, “We are immensely proud of what we were able to accomplish: the total delivery of over 1500 food packages! We are even more glad to have helped our friends, family, and local community in their hour of need- upholding the values of Scouting and making good of our promised word. We are now working with our chartering organization Mt. Olivet UMC to leverage our service and experience into a continuing community outreach.”
What started as a small effort to help families in the troop quickly began to grow into a different and much larger operation: not only did costs rise, but the ability of the smaller group to handle the preparation, assembly, and delivery of the food packages waned. In coordination with greater gathering occupancy allowances designated by the state, as well as greater ability to follow safety protocol, more and more of the troop was able to be brought into what soon became a troop-wide service project. By the end of the multi-month stint, the had delivered food to over 500 families, some on more than one occasion. We had been able to fulfill our commitment to service in a way that brought together our patrols, our troop, our troop families, and our external community (All while functioning independently as a Scout troop)! Despite the restrictive situation of quarantine, we were still able to make a difference in the lives of people who needed our help; and found a now-rare sense of camaraderie and fellowship. As we move beyond this activity as a troop (the progression of reopening has dampened the need to which we were responding, allowing us to dial back our aid), we hope that our humble actions can serve as an example of the adaptability of Scouting to fit challenging times, and as an inspiration for other troops to look for need in their communities.
Troop 670 and Grace United Methodist Church Donate Over 2,300 Food Items
BSA Troop 670 from Manassas, VA worked with the Georgetown South Community Center Manager, Meg Carroll, to collect 2,393 food items and $150 in cash donations to benefit a local neighborhood and nearby apartment complexes. Georgetown South is a low-income community in Manassas, VA with over 4,500 residents. The Scouts in Troop 670 used social media, email, and phone calls to advertise the food drive. Many boys distributed fliers around their neighborhoods to advertise further.
Donations of: nonperishable food, shelf-stable milk, kids’ snacks, cereal, cleaning supplies, masks, and cash were delivered to Scouts’ front porches. Some boys also went door to door collecting donations placed on homeowners’ front porches on a specific date and time. These items were then consolidated on June 13th through a drive up and drop off process and stacked in the Georgetown South Community Center at 9444 Taney Road in Manassas VA.
Scouts and leadership paid special attention to social distancing guidelines to maintain safety during the project. Troop 670 is chartered by Grace United Methodist Church in Manassas VA and is a part of the BSA National Capital Area Council (NCAC), Bull Run Region. Boys logged 2-3 service hours that can be used toward rank advancement or future service awards. Troop 670 is enormously proud of their hard work for the needy families in the community.
Aquia District Scouts Serve Stafford County Residents with a Special No-Contact Food Drive
The Call to Action: “Will you Do your Duty to help others?” This call went out to Aquia District Scouts BSA last month asking them to participate in a No Contact Food Drive held May 16, 2020.
The Answer: “We will Do our Best to Help Other People!” – that’s part of, and the heart of, the Scout Oath well-known by every BSA Scout.
The Results: Scouts and their family members across Stafford County answered the call and collected 5,706 lbs of food and over $2,500 was raised for several food pantries, by Scouts sharing the pantries’ electronic donation links with local churches that had requested that information be provided, as another avenue for community residents to help.
Scouts in Aquia District traditionally participate in Scouting For Food, a BSA national food drive held every November. Going door-to-door in neighborhoods and collecting in front of stores that grant BSA Scout units permission, Scouts work hard. Last November, Scouts collected 24,899 pounds of food for eight Stafford County pantries. In retrospect, that seemed like an easy feat in the face of the current COVID-19 pandemic. The challenge: How to support local pantries and keep Scouts, their families, pantry volunteers and donors all safe?
Before the current crisis, pantries supported by the annual Scouting For Food food drive were regularly feeding anywhere between four to forty families per week depending on the pantry. Corona-virus related job loss and furloughs created a greater need and most Stafford County pantries have remained open on the front lines of the fight against food insecurity. However, as pantries face an increase in clients, they are experiencing a decrease in ways to garner donations of food. Donations of food via food drives are the main source of non-perishables for these food pantries.
Scout units are typically assigned neighborhoods to canvas during Scouting For Food and the publicity is Nation-wide and the event well-known. In a team effort, Scouts band together to deliver sticky notes requesting donations on the first weekend of November and collect food on the second weekend filling their trailers, trucks and vehicles with the generosity of Stafford residents.
However, the mid-year call to fill the pantries due to the impacts from the on-going pandemic required a new approach to get the word out to Stafford residents for this food drive and to gather food safely without physical contact. Aquia District Scouts were asked to participate to whatever extent they could manage that would honor their individual family’s rules for safely addressing risks associated with COVID-19. This ranged from Scouts sharing information about the items needed by the pantries via email and social media or by paper fliers asking neighbors and friends to bring their donations to one of two drop-off points on May 16, to sharing that information with their neighbors on their surrounding streets and then, on May 16, donning masks and gloves and picking up donations from doorsteps and bringing them to the drop off location. Drop off locations manned by Aquia District Scouts were carefully orchestrated to maintain distance between Scouts, pantry volunteers and community bringing in donations. Each station, from holding signs directing traffic to Scouts collecting bins filled with donations to other Scouts weighing those donations, were “self-contained” activities.
Stafford food pantries continue to meet the needs of the Stafford community every week. This No Contact Aquia District Scout BSA food drive showed what Scouts can do even during this tough time. Their efforts helped stock shelves that were quickly emptying. “On My Honor, I will Do my Best, to do my Duty to God and my Country…” is also part of the BSA Scout Oath. Our Scouts did their duty and we should all be proud of their meaningful service to our community.
The need continues as the community struggles with the fallout created by the current health crisis. As one of the pantry workers said: “We believe our Food Pantry is the most important part of the “Service” element of our ’Worship, Witness, Service’ Church mission statement. As the second chapter of James says, ‘Faith without works is dead’. Bless you and all our Scouts and parents for all that you do to help us!” Service remains a cornerstone of Scouting and Aquia District Scouts will pull together again this August to do another food drive.
Are you ready to help others too? To join BSA, go to to find a BSA Scout unit near you – Cub Scouting serves families with children in Kindergarten through 5th Grade; Scouts BSA serves families with children ages 11-18. There are also BSA programs for families with older Youths, ages 14 – 21, including becoming Venturers, Explorers or Sea Scouts.
The mission of the BSA is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. The Aquia District is part of the National Capital Area Council (NCAC) of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). The Aquia District includes Stafford County, Virginia, and Marine Corps Base Quantico. For more information on Scouting in the Fredericksburg area, including how to donate, join or volunteer, contact Tom Friedel, District Executive, at or call Tom at 301-221-4286.
Ashburn Troop 997 Brings Scouts Back Together to Feed the Hungry
Troop 997 has been busy in recent months, running virtual Troop meetings, new Scout training programs and numerous virtual merit badges. But they wanted to do more for the community and those in need, and if possible, do it together.
Scoutmaster Terry Kolb’s first Troop challenge was to get each Scout to take their family out to nearby walking trails and parks to clean up litter and debris. Twenty-one Scouts answered the call!
Scoutmaster Kolb thought big for his second challenge – he asked the Troop to distribute flyers in their neighborhoods asking for food donations to replenish the shelves of the Dulles South Food Pantry. Twenty-three Scouts and seventeen parents/siblings collected food, sorted it (in a social distanced manner) and filled the Troop trailer with food for the Pantry, collecting nearly 1400 pounds of donated food, and accruing 100 service hours for Scouts and adults in the process.
Post-job pizza allowed Scouts to reconnect after a Spring of video-only interaction, and now that new rules are allowing for Troop activities (following prescribed guidelines) to recommence, the Scouts are looking forward to resuming Troop meetings, weekend activities and more service opportunities.
Star Scout Cole Thomas Cleans Over 300 Pounds of Tires from Chesapeake Bay Waterway
I am the Scoutmaster of Troop 422 in Huntingtown, MD and I want to share a story of one of our exceptional Scouts, Star Scout Cole Thomas. Cole was recently working to earn his service hours as part of his rank requirement for Star Scout, and to pass a little time doing a good turn. While Cole only needed 3 hours to qualify as the minimum requirement, he felt that cleaning one of the tidal creeks of the Chesapeake Bay of old discarded tires, he and his father Jason Thomas (Assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 422) put in 5 hours each, to ensure the job was done correctly and the creek was cleaned. They then spent more time and their own money to properly dispose of the tires at the local refuse collection center. Both Jason and Cole exemplify Scout spirit and went above and beyond in making our environment and waterways cleaner.