What is the purpose of this class?
The Cub Scout, Scouts BSA, Varsity Scout, Venturing, and Sea Scout programs all include outdoor stewardship, care for the environment, and Leave No Trace as part of their programs. This course is offered to train adults as Leave No Trace Trainers and youth aged 14+ to serve their units as Outdoor Ethics Guides. Every Cub Scout, Scouts BSA, Varsity Scout, Venturing, and Sea Scout unit should have at least one individual fully trained in Leave No Trace.
We recommend that youth complete this course before serving as in the troop Outdoor Ethics Guide position.
Who should attend?
Venturers, Sea Scouts, Varsity Scouts, and Scouts BSA aged 14+; adult Cub Scout, Scouts BSA, Varsity, Venturing, and Sea Scout leaders; and District and Council leaders and trainers.

What will I learn?
This course is designed to enhance your understanding of Leave No Trace practices and outdoor ethics, and to increase your level of expertise and confidence in teaching Leave No Trace skills. This class is both active and highly interactive. You will be introduced to concepts and methods that will advance your knowledge of Leave No Trace issues in both developed and high adventure environments, expand your repertoire of low-impact skills, and increase your effectiveness in teaching these important skills to others. You will be qualified to lead a unit in completing the last requirement for the BSA Outdoor Ethics Awareness award and the NCAC Outdoor Ethics Awareness award for Cubs.

On completion of this course, participants will be registered as Leave No Trace Trainers with the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics and with the BSA. Students will receive Leave No Trace teaching materials, a certificate of course completion, a Leave No Trace Trainer lapel pin and patch, and a BSA Leave No Trace Trainer card.
This course is instructed by nationally designated Leave No Trace Master Educators and Trainers. Attendance for the entire duration of the training is required.

(Campsite location, equipment list, and other course details will be emailed to participants a few weeks prior to the course. Each participant will have an assignment to prepare for the training.) Please remember this course is taught entirely in the outdoors and we will camp out Saturday evening.
To register for March 28-29, 2020 at Camp Snyder visit https://scoutingevent.com/082-NV1, for April 18-19, 2020 at Izaak Walton League in Gaithersburg please visit https://scoutingevent.com/082-MD1# or June 6-7, 2020 in Southern Maryland visit https://scoutingevent.com/082-SMD.