Are you planning on earning the prestigious BSA Lifeguard certification at summer camp this year? If so, please be aware that professional level CPR/AED and First Aid training is a course requirement but not usually done as part of the BSA Lifeguard course at camp. You can complete that requirement ahead of time by enrolling in our American Red Cross CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer and First Aid courses to be held on April 13 at Fairfax Presbyterian Church. The courses use the blended learning method where you complete knowledge development at your own pace online before the classroom session where you practice the hands-on skills. Minimum age is 15 years old. Register for the course at
NCAC PADI Scuba Course
In August, 16 Scouts and Leaders enrolled in the annual Camp William B. Snyder Open Water Diver scuba certification course. They spent two days at Camp Snyder learning safety information in the classroom and basic scuba skills in the pool. The following weekend they completed their certification at a local quarry where they demonstrated the skills they learned in the pool. Many of these Scouts are headed to the Florida Sea Base this summer for a Scuba Adventure program. Online registration for the NCAC 2019 August scuba course is available at Leaders can find out how to incorporate scuba into their annual program at the University of Scouting on February 23.
Lifeguard Training
Would you like a job as a lifeguard at your local pool or Scout camp this summer? If so, you will need lifeguard certification. This year NCAC will offer both BSA Lifeguard and American Red Cross pool and waterfront lifeguard training at Camp Snyder. Minimum age is 15. The mandatory pre-course swim test will be on April 28. Once you pass the swim test you will have 2 weeks to complete the online portion of the Red Cross Lifeguard course. The in-pool course dates are May 18, 19, and 25. Attendance at all sessions is required to pass the course. More information and registration can be found at
Happy New Year! Scoutbook Is Now Free for Scouts and Scout Units
Authored by Bryan Wendell, this post originally appeared on Bryan on Scouting: A blog for the BSA’s Adult Leaders, January 1, 2019.
Fellow Scouters, 2019 is off to a great start.
Scoutbook, the Boy Scouts of America’s online tool for managing and tracking Scouting advancement, is now completely, totally, 100 percent free. The change became official today — Jan. 1, 2019.
Longtime users know how Scoutbook makes it easy (and fun!) for Scouts, parents and leaders to track advancement and milestone achievements along the Scouting trail.
Before 2019, individuals, units or councils paid a small annual fee — up to $1 per Scout per year — to access Scoutbook’s suite of unit-management features.
In 2019 and beyond, those same great features are available for the best possible price: $0.
Now everyone can learn what more than 1 million users already know: Scoutbook can improve your Scouting experience.
Here’s what else you need to know:
How will my unit be affected?
- Units with a current Scoutbook account will continue to use Scoutbook as before.
- Councils that provide Scoutbook accounts for their units will no longer need to manage a subscription process for units starting a new account.
- Units without a current Scoutbook account will be able to access Scoutbook free on and elsewhere.
How will subscriptions/renewals work in 2019 and beyond?
The need to subscribe or renew annually will become unnecessary.
Once your unit is on Scoutbook, you’ll be set for as long as your unit would like to continue using this free tool.
How will making Scoutbook free affect its performance?
Scoutbook will only continue to improve.
The BSA IT and Member Care teams will continue to support Scoutbook with their timely service and quality resources. Scoutbook performance enhancements have been implemented regularly over the years, and its performance is continually monitored. That will continue.
What’s new in this release of Scoutbook?
Scoutbook has a new Single Sign On (SSO) process that will allow users to easily create accounts with the same properties as my.scouting accounts.
You’ll use the same account credentials (username and password) for both platforms. This makes things much easier for users by streamlining the login process.
For details, consult this list of Frequently Asked Questions [PDF], which includes a step-by-step guide for use of SSO.
Where can I get more information about this change in Scoutbook?
Keep an eye on for all the latest updates.
If you still have questions, you can always contact the friendly and helpful folks at Scoutbook support. Their email:
Youth Protection Training Is a Requirement for Activities and Re-Charter
In case you haven’t heard, Youth Protection Training is a requirement for all Scouting leaders.
No new adult leaders can be registered, and no current adult leaders can be renewed, unless they have a current Youth Protection Training certificate.
Earlier last year an updated version of YPT was released. This new version includes more personal stories to better help leaders recognize the signs of abuse, and was designed so that one course works across all Scouting programs. The enhanced and updated content also ensures leaders comply with all current state and local legal requirements.
Additionally, starting this summer, adults accompanying units on activities for 72 hours or more must be registered and take YPT. The 72 hours need not be consecutive. For most units, this applies mainly to summer camp. If your unit desires to set a stricter policy (e.g. ALL adults going to camp must be registered and have YPT), that is certainly permitted.
All registered leaders were required to complete the updated training by October 1. This reflects BSA’s commitment to the safety of all youth. If you have not taken the new training, please do so ASAP to avoid the rush at recharter time.
Don’t put your unit’s recharter at risk: Make sure your YPT training is completed! To learn more, discover additional resources, or take the training now, please visit:
Save the Date: University of Scouting Is February 23rd
The University of Scouting, a supplemental training opportunity for all adult Scout leaders, returns to Hayfield High School on February 23. It is the one time during the year where you can find the widest variety of training opportunities in all program areas all in one place.
The University offers interesting courses in Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting (soon to be Scouts BSA), “Adventuring” (a combination of Venturing and Sea Scouts), District Operations, and an Electives College where the classes cover a broad range of areas of interest to Scouting but not specific to any one Scouting program. A key topic across all programs this year will be Family Scouting.
The University has a degree program where, over time, attendees can earn Bachelors, Masters, and PhD degrees in Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Adventuring.
Classes are taught by experienced Scouters and Scouting professionals. Many classes focus on subject areas not otherwise covered in the usual adult leader training curriculum.
We expect to offer over 160 different courses from which to choose. In addition to the academic program, there is more… a midway where up to fifty vendors and council committees will have exhibits describing how their products and services can enhance your scouting program and a Scout Shop trading post where you can pick up needed items. And finally, there will be a scouting museum where dedicated collectors will be displaying their extensive collections of scouting memorabilia.
At the closing ceremony, we will be presenting the D. Andrew Grafton Exceptional Trainer Award. This annual award, presented by the NCAC Leadership Training Committee, recognizes a single NCAC Scouter for sustained, dedicated and highly skilled service to Scouting over the years by demonstrating a high commitment to quality adult leader training.
The University of Scouting provides all the above, along with great fellowship with dedicated Scouters, making this a day to be remembered.
Registration is expected to open on or about January 2, 2019. Your registration fee includes morning refreshments, lunch, an event patch, course materials, and a special recognitions.
Whether you are new to Scouting or a veteran of many years, the University is a place where you can learn from experienced Scouters from all over the council; it truly provides something for everyone.
Hayfield High School is close to the Beltway, just south of Alexandria, VA. Doors open at 7:15 AM. The opening ceremony starts at 8:15 AM with the closing ceremony ending by 4:30. In 2018 over 900 Scouters were in attendance. Help us pass 1000 for 2019!